Chapter Forty-Nine: Cordelia

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"You did what?" Matthias shouts at his father. The rest of the council is silent. Cordelia's throat is dry and she holds back tears.

"I ordered the Fae to execute every Centaur in Hildorn Mine," Sebastian says calmly. For a few moments, Matthias can't say anything. Cordelia's heart races in her chest as she looks over at her grandfather.

"Are you mad?" Cordelia finally asks.

"You had no authority..." Matthias begins. Sebastian chuckles and stands.

"A few weeks ago, when I realised that the centaurs were working for Princess Illyana, I sent out instructions for their leader and accompanying Red Guard to return for questioning," he begins. "I heard word back from their leader, saying that they had a little more work to clear up and that he will be heading to the capital as soon as he could. I immediately thought that they may be stalling for time and I was right. A few days after, Sarth Mine was attacked. When I made contact with Lady Cilla, she had said that there was a group claiming to be there under rule of the king. Apparently, their leader was Red Guard. She described the woman as having cold blue eyes..." Sebastian trails off and Matthias lets out a long sigh. Sebastian begins again. "I knew their next stop would be Hildorn mine so I sent the Fae there to send them a message when they arrived and hopefully, capture Princess Fallon." Cordelia grits her teeth and shakes her head.

"You fucking idiot," she spits.

"Watch your tone," Sebastian growls.

"Fallon has the strength of the Lupine..."

"She can't take on a whole Fae platoon," Sebastian chuckles. Cordelia stands and glares at him. 

"Fallon is ruthless and she is fueled by rage. As soon as she sees what they have done... nothing will get in her way. What you've done, is lost us a perfectly good group of Fae and made the crown look barking fucking mad because we've slaughtered innocent centaurs. You're basically pushing people into Illyana's open arms," Cordelia says, her voice coming out surprisingly calm. 

"And what of the Centaur leader and the Red Guard member. Have they returned?" Matthias asks.

"Yes," Sebastian says, "they returned almost a week ago."

"And you didn't tell us?" Cordelia asks.

"No, it did not seem like something you needed to know," he replies calmly.

"Well, who was the Red Guard member?" Cordelia asks.

"Fox," he replies. Cordelia doesn't react, keeping her expression calm. However, her heart races in her chest and she forces herself not to tear up. She asks the next question already knowing what the most likely answer will be.

"Where are they now?" she asks, keeping her voice cold. Sebastian smirks.

"The Centaur," he begins, "Adam, I think his name was," he mutters, "and the leader of all the centaurs apparently," he chuckles, "I have him chained up and on his way to see what has happened to his kin at Hildorn mine. I will make him see the consequences of his decision in choosing to follow Illyana."

"And Fox?" Cordelia asks.

"Well," Sebastian grins, "I left him in the hands of all the loyal Red Guard members. I left it up to them on how to punish someone who betrays them."

"Is he still alive?" Matthias asks. Lord Drake laughs.

"He died screaming," he explains. Cordelia can't stop the slight quiver in her jaw. He was her friend. He protected her whilst they were growing up. Kirstoff lets out a low laugh.

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