Chapter Forty-Three: Rayana

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They appear back in Orianna's room and immediately fall to the floor, panting heavily. A layer of sweet covers Rayana's skin from the strain of travelling so far with a passenger.

"That was..." Orianna begins. Ray can only nod her head as she closes her eyes, her breathing still ragged and her muscles aching. Slowly, she stands.

"I need to go to bed," she says. Orianna nods her head.

"We'll have a chat tomorrow," Orianna tells her as she stands also and slumps into her bed. Rayana laughs and opens the door.

"Night," she says.

"Night," Ray replies as she shuts the door behind her. She wobbles on her feet slightly and slumps against the wall.

"Lady Ray," a voice says, "are you okay?" She turns and sees Niklaus walking toward her. Visara's words are still fresh in her mind. 

"I'm fine," she replies, forcing a smile. "Thank you," she continues and pushes off the wall to walk. Dizziness takes over her vision and she stumbles slightly. Niklaus reaches for her, stopping her from tumbling.

"You don't seem fine," he continues. Ray looks up at him, blinking heavily as her body tries to recover from the strain of the travel.

"It will pass," she says, her speech slightly slurred. He raises an eyebrow.

"Let me help you back to your room," he says.

"Very well," Ray says, knowing she needs it. His arm moves around her waist as he puts her arm over his shoulder. Then, he begins to walk slowly as he takes Ray's weight. Her head slumps slightly as she tries to walk. 

"Ray?" he asks, looking at her from the corner of his eye. She smiles softly.

"I'll be fine after some rest," she tells him, her voice mumbled. 

"Okay," he sighs and stops when he comes to her door and opens it. Rayana removes her arm from his shoulder and walks toward her bed and practically falls onto it. 

"Thank you," she mumbles as her eyes flutter shut. He laughs softly and moves over to her, lifting her slightly so he can pull the covers out from beneath her. Then, he is gently laying them over her body. Smiling, he leaves the room, Ray already asleep by the time the door is shut.

Though her sleep is deep, it isn't peaceful. She dreams of her father. Watching as he continues to grow in the castle. Becoming the charming, strong young man who her grandfather would choose to become the King Chosen. Continuing to outshine and outmanoeuvre Leander. Watching as he gets closer to the princesses, her aunts and mother. He's actually kind to them. Caring and understanding even. One vision sticks out in particular and as she finally wakes, she rushes to her book to write everything she's seen.

I am standing in the castle gardens. Father and mother sit together beneath the gazebo. Both quiet as they stare out over the city. He must be twenty now. My mother eighteen. Two years away from the eighteenth birthday of the youngest daughter and two years from the Queen's Trial. Seeing mother brings tears to my eyes and has a lump forming in my throat. She is so beautiful. More beautiful than the paintings. Her dark ginger hair hangs in thick curls, just like Cordelia's. Shae inherited her large, golden-brown eyes. I can't take my eyes off her. I wish we all had more time with her...

She looks at my father and smiles softly.

"What?" he asks, his voice gentle. Her smile widens a little.

"Nothing," she comments. He raises an eyebrow and she laughs. "Stop giving me that look," she scolds. He laughs and they fall back into silence again for a few minutes. "Matt," she begins.

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