Chapter Forty-Eight: Fallon

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Sorry for another big gap between updates, I am going to really try and work on my update schedule. Thank you all for being patient, it means a lot to me. This hasn't been edited yet so there will be typos, I will get to them at some point. Thank you.

"Remember, today we are just observing," Fallon tells the team as they start getting ready to leave.

"We know," Radeck replies as he straps his sword to his body. Fallon nods her head and mounts her horse. A bad taste fills her mouth and she frowns.

"Everything okay, Cap?" Lilah asks, her silver scales glittering in the sun.

"I'm not sure," Fallon replies. "I just have a bad feeling..." she sighs. "I'm sure it is just stress," she states. Lilah nods her head and Cassius appears next to her. His usual smirk is gone from his face and his jaw is clenched.

"What?" Fallon asks. He shakes his head, his pale silver hair fluttering elegantly as it hangs down his back. Practically glowing against the gleaming silver Fae armour.

"I'm not sure," he finally sighs. Fallon gulps, a lump forming in her throat. "If you have a bad feeling," Cassius begins, "then I have a bad feeling. I know we are only meant to observe the mine and come back and make a plan, but perhaps we should arm ourselves a little more... just in case," he states.

"It is a good idea," Fallon says, the twisting in her stomach not getting any better. She shouts an order and is handed some more weapons. Her eyes look over the camp coldly as the rest of the group arm themselves further. When she is satisfied, she nods her head. Imelda, now on horseback also, comes up to her.

"We are armed to the teeth, Cap," she states.

"Good," Fallon replies with a curt nod of her head. "I'm not planning on needing to use these weapons today," she begins, "but..."

"Best to be safe," Imelda finished for her. Fallon nods

"Yes," she agrees. Fallon lets out a long sigh and shouts an order. Soon, they are racing out of the small valley they had been camped at and are racing through the mountains toward the mine. The closer they get, the more Fallon's heart starts to race and her stomach turn.

After an hour of travelling, Fallon begins to slow as they approach the road that leads toward the mine. It is a very wide road cut into the forest and paved with slabs of smooth, dark stone. Hildorn mine is the biggest of the mines and it is because of that, the roads around it are made in order to easily transport all the product as smoothly and easily as possible. The road is empty. Fallon frowns and Cassius urges the horse faster to catch up with her.

"For such a large and busy mine," he begins, "shouldn't this road in and out of it be a lot busier?" he asks. Fallon gulps and nods her head.

"Yes," she replies with a small voice, her stomach twisting further.

"How far from the entrance are we?"

"About a mile and half," Fallon replies. Their plan had been that disguised as the red guard and with the Fae alongside them, any of the traders who would also have been on the path would not have even dared to question them. In fact, they may even have helped. Fallon had been planning on asking them questions about the mine. She wants as much information about it as possible before she hits it... But there is no one to ask. Fallon licks her dry lips and lets out a long breath as they continue to make their way down the road as casually as they can.

The other Fae and Waterfolk start to shift uncomfortably on their horses the closer they get, mirroring Fallon's unease as well as getting a strange feeling themselves.

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