Chapter Fifty: Shaelyn

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The tunnel opens and closes behind them. Shaelyn runs, holding her hand out with sweat beading down her face as she concentrates. Her focus is intense as she moves the Earth so they can have a path in the darkness. Her breaths are heavy and the flames from the torch in her other hand casts golden flickers in the stone wall around them. With her are Evie, Ben, Yuri and four other Knights.

"We're here," Shae says, coming to a stop.

"You sure?" Yuri asks. Shae nods her head and looks up. A from crosses her features and she lifts her hands up. Evie and Yuri take a step back as the stone above them starts to rumble. A crack appears and dust and pebbles fall around them. Then, a small hole opens and bags of fresh food falls into their little pit. After a few moments, the bags of food stop falling as Shae seals the hole again. She grins at the others as they stare at the food. 

"Come on," she chuckles, "no slacking," she tells them. They laugh and reach for the large bags, heaving from the large size and heavy weight of them. There is so much that they all have to take three bags each. The walk back to the caves through Shae's tunnels is much slower this time. Now, everyone is sweating from exertion. When the tunnel opens into the main cavern, the group practically drop the food with shaking arms.

"Holy shit, what a haul!" Jen, another Knight says as she walks over. Shae can only nod her head as she slumps to the floor, whipping sweat from her brow. Ren walks over to her and holds out his hand. She takes it gently and stands.

"Great job," he tells her. "You're really getting the hang of your abilities," he compliments. Shae smiles.

"Well, thanks for putting up with the Earthquakes and falling dust whilst I practised," she tells him. He laughs and pulls her into a hug, kissing the top of her head.

"Anytime," he jokes, then lets her go. The two walk with the others as they lug the bags to the food storage. "This will be enough to feed not only us, but anyone struggling for food in the city," he explains. The food cavern is practically stuffed full of food they had slowly been collecting and stealing from the arena. Some fresh vegetables and fruits which will be distributed first, though it is chilled in the caves which slow them from rotting a little bit. Others last a bit longer. Dried fruits and meats, beans, crackers and some bread.

"This is a good amount and when we start running out, we can just get more unnoticed," Evie says, patting Shae on the shoulder. Shae nods her head and smiles.

"Princess!" A voice shouts. They turn and walk into the passage toward the main cavern. A messenger runs toward her, panting. "White flag in Princess Illyana's window." Shae nods her head.

"Thanks," she says and looks at Ren. "I'll be back soon," she tells him.

"Shae," he says, grabbing her hand as she turns to leave. "Be careful, it could be a trap," he explains. Shae nods her head.

"I know, but I am prepared. I won't let myself go above ground. They can't catch me in my tunnels," she smiles and presses a palm to his cheek. "She's my sister. She won't turn me in," she explains to Ren.

"Fallon didn't trust her..." Ren warns.

"Well I'm going to make my own judgements," Shae argues, "Fallon isn't always right and is also very paranoid," Shae laughs. Ren clenches his jaw.

"We all trust Princess Fallon more than Princess Cordelia. Someone who has been trapped with those monsters this whole time... it does stuff to the mind."

"Cordelia is strong," she tells him. "And even if she is playing her own game, she's still helping us at the moment, I don't care." She goes onto her tiptoes and presses a kiss to his lips.

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