Chapter Fifteen: Illyana

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I wake up with aching limbs.  My eyes flutter open and I groan. I look down at my arms and legs. They are covered in tiny cuts from where I have been lying on the broken shards of the mirror. I wince as I lift the souls of my feet and pull out little mirror pieces embedded in my skin. When that's done, I lean back against the wall and look at my room. It's a mess. A long sigh leaves my mouth and I go to stand. There is a knock on my door and I limp towards it. Before I open the door, I neaten my hair slightly and wipe away some of the blood. I open the door only slightly so that whoever is behind it can't see the state of my room. My eyes widen as I see Kai standing there.

"Solavar," I say, using my body to block his view inside my room. "How can I help you?" I ask. Razan appears behind him a low whine leaving his mouth. Kai lets out a long sigh.

"You're still wearing last nights dress," he says as he looks at my cut skin. I try and shield it away.

"I went straight to bed," I tell him. He nods his head and I know he doesn't believe me.

"I came to inform you that you've been invited to sit on the Head table by the Starva," he says. I force a smile.

"Una too?" I ask. He nods his head.

"Thank you, Solavar," I reply. He licks his lips and reaches out. I don't pull away as he takes my hand and looks at my arm.

"What have you done, Ana?" he sighs, looking at all the small scratches.

"I fell," I tell him and gently pull my arm out from his grip. He looks into my eyes before down at my feet. A bloody footprint sits on the floor from where I had walked over the glass to get to the door. I hadn't even noticed. Razan whines again and steps toward me.

"He was distressed last night," Kai tells me.

"I'm sorry," I reply, stroking his muzzle. "But I am fine," I reply, forcing a smile. Whilst I am distracted with Razan, Kai pushes my door open and steps inside.

"No," I begin as he walks in. He closes his eyes when he looks at the state of my room.

"Illyana," he begins and I bite my lip nervously, not looking up to meet his eyes. He gently lifts me off the floor so I don't have to walk across the thousands of tiny, sharp shards and then sits me on my bed. I struggle to find any words to say as he grabs a bucket of water. He puts my feet inside and I let out another wince as the warm water hits the cuts.

"You shouldn't do this to yourself," he tells me as he picks up the mirror frame and the dressing table.

"I didn't mean to," I whisper as Razan jumps up on the bed behind me, his body curling around me so his head can rest on my lap. I stroke his soft fur gently and close my eyes. Kai sits down on the bed next to me.

"I'll get some of the maids to clear up the mess whilst you're at breakfast," he tells me. "Discretely," he continues. I nod my head.

"Thank you," I say. He stands up and looks at my feet, the warm water having softened the skin. Carefully, he digs out the embedded shards, dropping them back into the water. Then, he takes a cloth and wipes away the blood. My mind is numb as he does it. I can't find the ability to register the pain or process what's happening. Before I know it, he is wrapping my feet in bandages.

"You should get into your uniform," he explains, standing up. "You have your first lesson with Zoran this morning after breakfast," he tells me.

"I had forgotten about that," I say, my voice sounding distant. Kai doesn't say anything as he stands.

"I'll go and get the maids whilst you get dressed," he tells me as he puts my uniform in a glass-free area. "Then we'll head to breakfast." He leaves before I can answer. A long sigh leaves my mouth and I stand, going to my clothes and dressing quickly. I then get my braid done which is hard without a mirror to look into. Though having done it so many times now, it hardly takes the time it used to. Kai knocks again and I shout for him to come in. He is followed by Lupine maids who make quick work cleaning up the shards of the mirror and the mess from the dressing table.

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