Chapter 3

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That weekend, Remus was sick again. Like last time, he didn't really have any symptoms, apart from tiredness, and a general pain that he tried to hide. He refused to go see the nurse again though - who Sirius had learned was called Madame Pomfrey, after a minor incident in DADA with James had him sent to the Hospital Wing with turnips for ears. Unable to convince Remus to get help, he did what he did last time, and spent the entire weekend in the dorm with Remus in a comfortable quiet, while James and Peter went to go flying or feed the Giant Squid. Any other time, a weekend stuck inside reading and doing homework would have been his idea of a nightmare, but even sick Remus was happy to indulge him, answering his questions about muggle things from bed. By now, Sirius was rather eager to listen to the muggle music Remus had taken with him. The Bugs sounded much better than Celestina Warbeck.

It also gave him a chance to reply to Andromeda. He sent his letter with a school owl, because he wasn't sure he trusted his own owl not to take any letters he sent straight to Mother, and he was in enough trouble at home already.

Dear Andromeda,

Thank you for writing me, I was so glad to hear from you. At least there's one member of the family who hasn't excommunicated me. And thank you for your advice, I was worried it was just me who thought the whole blood purity thing might be a load of bollocks.

Hogwarts is amazing! I'm friends with all the boys in my dorm. James Potter is my best friend - we had our first ever detention this week for hexing another student. Don't get mad though, he totally deserved it. James is epic at Quidditch - don't tell him I said that though - and we're having a competition over who can lose the most house points by the end of the term. I'm winning, obviously.

One of the boys in my dorm, Remus Lupin, is a half-blood. I accidentally insulted him the first night, but he was really nice about it, and now we're great friends. I think he's the coolest person ever, he knows all about muggle music and swears more than anyone I know. I don't really get why our family doesn't like anyone who isn't pure-blooded - I've only been here a month, but it's pretty obvious they're just as good at magic as us, and Remus hasn't tried to kill me in my sleep yet. I feel a bit dumb for thinking he might now, actually.

Peter Pettigrew is the other boy in my dorm, and we're great friends too. He always laughs at my jokes, even the bad ones, and when Rosier said I was a disappointment to the Blacks in Potions, he told him to bugger off. And Peter's quite intimidated by Rosier because he's so much bigger than Pete is, so I was rather touched.

People at Hogwarts are so much different to anyone I've ever met. No one in Gryffindor has formal dinners at home, and their families don't host balls. It's always loud in the Common Room, but I think that's much more fun than stuffy old Grimmauld Place.

I hope you're doing well out of school. Has your marriage been arranged yet? I think I remember Mother mentioning Caius Nott as a potential match for you over summer, hopefully he isn't too awful! I hope I see you at Christmas, the whole holiday will probably be horrible otherwise.

Yours sincerely,

Sirius Black

On Monday, Remus seemed even worse, but he still wouldn't go to Pomfrey. He looked like he was about to pass out in Charms as they worked on levitating heavier objects, and James looked at Sirius nervously. He shrugged. He'd tried convincing Remus to take a sick day, but Remus said he wasn't going to the Hospital Wing until classes finished for the day. By lunchtime, James had had enough.

"Remus John Lupin, if you don't go to the Hospital Wing right now, I will cast a Jelly-Legs Jinx and carry you there myself, I swear on Merlin's grave!"

Remus glared at him, but James didn't blink. "Fine," Remus bit, dragging himself up and traipsing out of the Great Hall. That was probably the right decision, James didn't look like he was joking.

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