chapter 109

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April turned into May, and all the Sixth Years found themselves enjoying the fact they were Sixth Years, as both the Fifth Years and Seventh Years were forced to throw themselves into revision. The Sixth Years had end of year exams, of course, but after the stress of OWLs last year, those hardly seemed like a big deal anymore.

Neither Lily nor Remus had that attitude, unsurprisingly. They were revising for the end of year exams like they were their NEWTs, and kept trying to convince the other Marauders to join them. Pete would often go, and James about half the time, but Sirius refused. If he was going to revise, then he would do it in secret and not let anyone know.

On one of the days that Remus and Lily managed to get Peter to go and revise with them, James and Sirius both decided to enjoy their Saturday and go flying instead. They spent at least two hours chasing Bludgers and throwing Quaffles around the Quidditch pitch before they tired themselves out, coming back to the ground panting and sweaty.

"I don't care what Evans says," James said decisively, "that beats the library any day."

"Too fucking right," Sirius agreed.

"I was thinking of inviting her round, over summer."

"Oh yeah?"

James nodded. "Mum and Dad want to meet her, obviously, and two months feels like kind of a long time to go without seeing her at all. Would you mind?"

"Fuck off, Prongs," Sirius snorted, "course I wouldn't bloody mind. Hell, she can spend the whole holiday with us if you want."

"I dunno if she'd go for that," James grinned, "but I'll ask her if she wants to come down for a weekend, maybe."

"Still seems nuts you guys are actually dating now," Sirius mused, "I mean, I saw it coming, but even so..."

"I know," James said, "I can't really believe it either."

Sirius snorted. "Most of the bloody school can't believe it."

"Snape's not happy," James said, suddenly looking more sombre. "He's been a right dick to Evans since we got together."

"He has? What's he doing?"

"Dumb shit," James sighed. "Dirty looks, egging on Rosier and Wilkes when they're talking crap about her... her blood status and things like that, you know? More than just petty stuff. And I'm pretty sure he keeps trying to sabotage our potions when we aren't looking in Slughorn's class."

"Merlin, he's a git."

"Yeah... I dunno what to do about it, though. Evans just ignores it, but I don't get why, and I just want to make him stop."

"Do what Evans says," Sirius said firmly. "Don't try and protect her, don't get into a pissing contest with Snape. He's her old friend, you've got to let her handle it how she wants. As crap as it is to stand by and watch, this isn't your fight."

James looked at him, nodding. "You're right," he said slowly. "God, I know you're right. It's not easy to just do nothing, though."

"I know. But the best way to get back at Snape is to just be happy with Evans. If you start fighting with her about him, he's getting exactly what he wants."

"When'd you get so smart, Pads?" James asked, clapping him on the shoulder.

Sirius grinned. "I think about what you'd tell me to do," he said honestly.

James looked at him in surprise, but smiled at him. "Guess I must be a bloody genius, then."

"Sometimes you can be, Prongs, sometimes."

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