chapter 131

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"Hey guys, this is Marvolo," Sirius said, carrying the drinks out, with Marvolo by his side. "He just bought us a round."

"Oh," Lily said in surprise, looking up and smiling politely. "Well, thank you so much."

"It's no problem at all," Marvolo said graciously, conjuring a chair and taking a seat at the table, "I saw you all out here, and it reminded me of my own days as a student. And this time of year makes us all so nostalgic, doesn't it?"

"Are you out with your friends tonight?"

"Not right now," Marvolo said simply, "they'll come if I call."

The table went quiet at the odd statement, and Sirius took a long sip of his firewhiskey to avoid the awkwardness. The Hog's Head always attracted strange characters, he thought to himself, but sometimes the strangest people were the most entertaining.

"So," Marvolo smiled, "do you all have plans for when you leave school?"

"Not right now," Lily said evasively, "I think we're all just planning to play it by ear."

"Is that the truth, Miss Evans? Somehow, I doubt that."

Lily's eyes narrowed at once. "How do you know my name?" she asked sharply.

"I know all about you," Marvolo shrugged with ease. "I know about you, and Mr Potter, and Mr Black here."

A shiver ran down Sirius' spine, and he realised in that moment that Marvolo might not just be one of the Hog's Head's oddballs. Trying not to draw any attention to himself, he slipped his hand into his pocket and held onto his wand tightly, ready to withdraw it at any moment.

"Alright," James said firmly, sitting up straight, "you can either tell us who you are, or you can leave right now."

Marvolo tilted his head, looking at James calmly. "I'm merely someone with an offer, Mr Potter. I'm sure Dumbledore has already done his very best to win your loyalty, but I thought you should have a chance to listen to me, so you can make an... informed decision, before you do something you'll regret."

Sirius froze, glancing at Remus, who was gripping his wand tightly as well. Remus wasn't thinking though, you could tell his guard was up. It was better if people didn't know you knew they were trouble, better to keep as mask up for as long as possible. Safer that way.

As Marvolo's words sank in, it was as if the whole table realised exactly what - who - they were dealing with. A gust of cold wind blew by, stinging Sirius' skin and he felt goosebumps on his arm. Sirius tried to get a proper look at his face, but it was like his eyes refused to take any information in. It was more than just the cloak - he must have some fancy glamour charm.

Voldemort gave the table a sweeping glance, and his eyes landed on Remus' wand. He smiled slightly and then Sirius was frozen - not metaphorically anymore, but literally. He couldn't move.

Of course Voldemort could do bloody non-verbal magic. But the rest of the table was stuck as well, and Sirius didn't know anyone who could cast a spell so powerful without even speaking or using their wand. His heart was stuck in his throat - if he wasn't frozen he would be choking, he thought.

"Miss Evans," Voldemort said, turning back to Lily and speaking like they were all having a pleasant conversation. "The muggleborn Head Girl, who has always had to fight to prove herself. But I know you, Miss Evans. You're incredibly intelligent, hardworking, talented, and all you want is some credit.

"And Mr Potter, the all-achiever. Quidditch Captain, Head Boy, leader of his little group of friends. A typical Gryffindor, full of bluster and bravery, but perhaps doesn't always live up to his reputation. Sometimes a bit quick to start a fight, or throw around a hex. But really, you just want to keep your friends and family safe, don't you?"

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