Chapter 10

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The next day was a Saturday, so obviously everyone slept in. Of course, Sirius was still unable to do that, so he went to breakfast on his own. The only other Second Year there was Evans, and Sirius sighed. She was reading the Charms textbook, and he rolled his eyes - honestly, lessons hadn't even started yet. He conveniently chose to ignore that he'd read every single one of his textbooks over summer.

"Alright?" he grunted, taking the seat opposite her.

"Black? What are you doing on your own, where's your gang?"

"They're all still in bed, lazy gits."

Evans hummed. "Mary and Marlene didn't want to get up either, but I wanted to get ahead."

Sirius wasn't really sure how to respond, so he just nodded. Evans seemed satisfied though, and turned back to her book. Not long after, the owls flew into the Great Hall, and Sirius' usual copy of the Prophet was dropped in front of him, along with a letter. He tore it open immediately.

Dear Sirius,

Merlin, I've missed you the past two months! I'm writing this as you're on the Hogwarts Express, that's how eager I am to hear from you.

How was your summer? Please tell me everything, I've been so worried. My summers were awful enough, and I didn't have Walburga for a mother. I heard from some old school friends that you were dragged to some functions, but apparently you behaved like the perfect Black Heir. Well done, I know you must have hated that, but it's better to just do as they ask.

Ted says hello. We're both anxious to hear from you and make sure you're okay, so write back soon!

Your cousin,


Sirius jumped up from the table and strode out of the Great Hall, abandoning Evans. He went straight to the Owlery, and dug some ink and parchment out of his bag, quickly scribbling down a reply.


Summer was bad. Really bad. My mother used made me

Things went really wrong. I don't know how to write it, I can't even talk about it. I need to see you, please. I know it's dangerous for you, but I think you're the only person who could understand.

Let me know,


He tied the letter to an owl and sent it quickly, before he could change his mind.

It was Wednesday when he heard back from Andy. The Marauders were at breakfast, and James was in the middle of a very dramatic monologue about how he was going to single-handedly save the Gryffindor Quidditch team this year when a letter fell onto Sirius' plate.


If you need to see me, of course I'll see you. I can be in Hogsmede at 12pm on Saturday, if you can sneak out. There's a statue of a witch with a hump by the stairs outside the DADA classrooms. Tap it with your wand and say dissendium, and it will open to show you a passage, leading to Honeydukes' cellar. I can meet you outside Honeydukes.


Sirius scribbled a quick reply, saying he'd be there, and sent it back with Andy's owl. All he had to do was wait now.

The first week of lessons were dull. He'd thought First Year was bad, but the stuff they were supposed to be learning seemed even easier this year. Unfortunately, no one else seemed to agree with him, and Peter actually got a bit annoyed with him when Sirius got an O on the Transfiguration essay he'd done at the lunch table just before it was due, while Peter had spent three hours on it and barely scraped an A.

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