chapter 97

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It was just gone midnight, Sirius and James had snuck out to grease the hallway outside the Slytherin Common Room. Remus had declined to join them, saying it wasn't impressive enough a prank for him to offer his help, and Peter had had to stay behind to finish an essay for McGonagall that was already overdue.

Sirius and James didn't need them, though.

"You'll have to wake me up when you usually get up," James said. "I want to see all the snakes fall over in the morning."

"I'll set an alarm," Sirius said. "I haven't been waking up as early as I used to lately."


"Hm. I always had to be up at the crack of dawn at Grimmauld. I guess now that I don't need to think about that anymore, my body's letting me sleep a bit more."

"Well, that's good," James commented.

"Yeah. Still not sleeping as much as the rest of you lazy gits though."


It was quiet for a bit, as they focused on covering every inch of the corridor.

"I slept with Benjy," Sirius said.

"You what?" James looked at him in surprise. "Are you serious? When?"

"Yeah, a couple of days ago."

"Well... how was it?"

"It was sex, Potter. It was good."

"Nice! Hey, it's a Hogsmeade weekend soon, you should see if Fenwick wants to get a butterbeer with us."

"What?" Sirius asked. "Why?"

"Well, you see him a lot," James said reasonably. "I know you say you aren't dating, but he's obviously a big part of your life, and I barely know the bloke."

Sirius smiled. "That's nice, James. But I dunno if it's such a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Well, Remus'll be there..."

"So? You said you guys were just friends now. And it's been months since all that stuff in Fifth Year."

"We'll see," Sirius said noncommittally, "I'll think about it."

Sirius had hoped that that would be the end of it. Unfortunately, James was both well-intentioned and undeterrable. The four Marauders were eating lunch the next day when he spoke up.

"So," James said casually, "I was thinking we should get a drink with Fenwick on Sunday, all of us. Sound good?"

Remus looked up. "Why would we do that?"

"Because he and Pads are together like three nights a week, and I can count on one hand the number of times any of us have spoken to him."

"It's fine," Sirius said, "he's probably busy anyway. You don't have to get to know him, Prongs, honestly."

But Pete nodded. "James is right - and he seems like a nice guy. Invite him, Sirius, it'll be fun."

Remus smiled at Sirius stiffly. "Go on, ask him to come. I don't mind getting a butterbeer with him."

Sirius caught Remus in the bathroom alone that evening.

"Are you sure?" he asked quietly. "I won't invite him if you don't want me to. I told James not to suggest it, but you know how he is, when he gets an idea in his head."

"Yeah," Remus sighed. "It'll be a bit awkward, but whatever. Don't worry about it."

"I mean, I don't care if he's not there, just us four would be-"

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