chapter 160

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18TH AUGUST 1979

Sirius was woken by an insistent knocking on the door. He sat up, saw that it was still dark out, and groaned, pulling the covers over his head and kicking Remus.

"Moony. Door."

"You get it," Remus grunted.


Remus just rolled over and started to snore as the pounding continued. Sirius stared at him in amazement.

"Have you seriously just gone back to sleep? Moony!"

"God, fine!" Remus sat up, reaching for his watch. "Jesus, it's like four in the morning, why's anyone even here?"

Sirius sat up as well, suddenly nervous. "You don't think it's bad news, do you?" he asked.

Remus shook his head, but he was already getting out of bed, and pulling on his clothes in a hurry. "I'm sure it's fine..." he said unconvincingly.

Sirius got up as well, getting dressed as quickly as he could as the knocks became more urgent. "Coming, coming!" he yelled, following Remus down the stairs. Remus opened the door, and Sirius froze behind him. Dumbledore was standing in the darkness, in flowing azure robes and half-moon spectacles, his face unreadable.

"Morning, gentlemen," he said, "I apologise for the hour of my visit, but I do have some news, and it is quite time-sensitive."

"Is James okay?" Sirius burst out. "Lily? Pete? Who is it?"

Dumbledore sighed. "Your friends are fine. May I come in?"

"Of course," Remus said quickly, stepping back. "What- what is it, Sir?"

Dumbledore surveyed the two of them, and Sirius shifted uncomfortably. He felt the urge to grab Remus' hand, but he couldn't, so he just balled his hands into fists at his side.

"...Mr Black," Dumbledore said, after a pause, "perhaps you and I could speak alone?"

"You want me?" Sirius asked. "Why me? What's happened?"

"Mr Lupin," Dumbledore said, ignoring him, "would you mind?"

"What?" Remus asked. "Oh! Oh, right, uh... of course not. Why don't- why don't you two sit in the living room?"

"That would be perfect, thank you."

Sirius stared at Remus. "You... you don't have to go," he said meekly.

Remus glanced between him and Dumbledore, obviously doubtful. "No, it's, uh, it's fine. I'll... I'll just be in the kitchen, then. You know, if you need me."

Dumbledore started walking away, and Sirius felt like he had no choice but to follow. He kept looking behind his shoulder at Remus, until Dumbledore shut the door, trapping Sirius alone and casting a silencing charm.

Sirius' heart pounded, as he searched Dumbledore's face for any clues but found nothing, and he really wished that Remus had been allowed to stay..

"What is it?" he asked.

"Why don't you sit down?"

That was the last thing he wanted to do, but he didn't feel like he had the power to argue. So Sirius did as he was told, perching on the edge of the armchair. Dumbledore sat down as well, on the corner of the sofa closest to Sirius, and looked him in the eye.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news," he said.

Sirius grit his teeth. "Go on."

"I just got word of what the Prophet will be reporting tomorrow," Dumbledore said slowly, "and I thought you would rather that this news was delivered personally, instead of hearing it in the paper."

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