chapter 139

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Sirius woke up the next morning feeling more hopeful for the future since... well, probably not since his Sorting, way back when he was eleven. Even if he was going to be in the Order, he was going to have a home - a real home, that had Remus in it as well, and somehow, that made it all feel not so bad.

It was still cold outside, but the days were starting to get lighter and longer, making everything else seem more hopeful as well. It was the March full moon on Friday, and after the four Marauders spent another night running around the forest, they started gearing up for James' birthday, which was only three days later.

"What do you wanna do for it?" Pete asked as he, James, and Sirius snuck back up to the dorm just before the sun rose on Saturday morning.

James shrugged. "No need for a party or anything," he said, "we just had Moony's thing, I think that tired everyone out."

"Not like Evans would let us throw a party on a Monday anyway," Sirius snorted.

"Yeah," James sighed wistfully, "not even for me."

The three of them were just approaching the Fat Lady, when Sirius spotted Marlene coming up the corridor from the other direction. She froze when she saw them, her eyes widening comically, and Sirius took in her appearance - the messed up hair and inside out t-shirt - and tried to stifle a laugh.

"Oi, McKinnon!" James grinned at her. "What are you doing wandering the castle at this ungodly hour? I could put you in detention, you know!"

Marlene glared at him. "None of your business, Potter," she said brashly, holding her head high. "Besides, I could ask you lot the same question."

"Fun night?" Sirius smirked.

"Piss off, Black."

"Go on, tell us," Pete said eagerly, "what were you doing?"

"I think the question might be who she was doing, Wormy," James chortled, looking gleeful.

"Yeah, who is it Marlene?" Pete pressed. "Got a boyfriend?"

Marlene started looking agitated, and Sirius decided to step in.

"Alright, alright," he said quickly, "you two might be so sexually frustrated you need to hear about other people's sex lives, but I'm not. Let McKinnon screw who she wants in peace, I don't need the dirty details."

James glanced at him in mild surprise, but acquiesced. "Whatever," he shrugged, "I'm exhausted anyway. Just be careful wandering around on your own Marls, this place isn't as safe as it should be."

Marlene gave James a tight smile. "No need to worry about me, Potter, I can take care of myself."

"Yeah," James yawned, "I'm sure you can. Come on lads, let's get some sleep." He stepped through the portrait, Pete following him, but Sirius hung back, letting the portrait swing closed, so it was just him and Marlene in the hallway.

"I lied," he grinned, "I do need the dirty details, I need all of them, come on, spill."

Marlene rolled her eyes. "You frustrated, Black?"

"Nope, just nosy."

"Well, tough."

"Okay, I don't really need all the sexy stuff," Sirius said, "but was it Dorcas? Has shit actually gone down?!"

Marlene nodded wordlessly, the corners of her mouth twitching and betraying her unbothered act.

"Fucking hell!" he exclaimed, unable to contain himself. "That's bloody fantastic! When? Did you make the move or did she? Are you guys dating or just screwing around? Does anyone else know?"

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