chapter 96

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Sirius was in the Great Hall the next morning, sipping his coffee while bothering Evans, when James came down surprisingly early. Well, early for James. Sirius and Evans had both been down for fifteen minutes already, but Sirius wasn't expecting anyone else for a while yet.

"Alright?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah," James nodded, "I wanted to catch you before everyone else wakes up. I've got something for you."

"Give it here then."

James gave him a small smile, looking slightly nervous, and handed him a small package and an envelope. Sirius opened the package, finding a box, which he took the lid off of. He was staring at a wristwatch, with a black strap and golden hands pointing to the numbers on the face. He took it out slowly, and the back of the watch was engraved with the Potter family crest.

"Read the letter," James encouraged.

Shocked, Sirius opened the letter slowly.

Dear Sirius,

Happy birthday darling. Of course, it's traditional for a wizard to be given a watch when he comes of age, and we wanted to be the ones to give you yours. We're so proud of you, Sirius, of the man you have become, and we love you so much.

We don't expect you to see us as your parents, but to us, you are our son, as much as James is. You have been ever since we got to have you for Christmas in your Third Year.

The watch is the exact same as the one we both have, and James will get one for his birthday. You don't have to wear it, but it's our way of showing you that you are family to us.

Congratulations on becoming a man. We know you will continue to make us proud, and we can't wait to see you again.

All our love,

Euphemia and Fleamont

"Did you know they were going to give me this?" Sirius asked James quietly.

James nodded.

"Thank you. This... this means a lot, Prongs."

"We're brothers, you're family. You'll always be my family, Pads."

Sirius could tell he was about to get choked up, so he didn't reply, but hugged James tightly. James hugged him back, and when they separated, Sirius flung his old watch to the side, fastening the new one around his wrist.

"It looks good," Evans said, smiling at both of them softly.

"Cheers," Sirius grinned, examining it happily.

Friday was the day before the full moon, and by the time lessons were done, Remus was exhausted. Sirius was focused on just getting him to the dorm and keeping him there until tomorrow evening, under his eye, and was pushing him through the corridors when they bumped into Benjy.

"Alright?" Benjy asked.

"Yeah," Sirius said quickly, "just in a bit of a rush, sorry."

"No worries, are you free tonight though?"

"Sorry, I've got plans," Sirius grimaced. "Tomorrow as well. Maybe Sunday."

"Sure, it'll have to be later than normal though, I've got a meeting with Dumbledore."

"Okay," Sirius called, already walking away, "we'll figure it out later."

Remus was silent the whole time, as Sirius guided him through the hallways and up to Gryffindor, pretending he didn't notice Remus' slight limp and pained expressions. He only calmed down when they were safely back in the dorm and he had successfully got Remus into his bed.

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