chapter 89

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Sirius returned from his detention rejuvenated by his conversation with Fenwick. He'd got a lot off his chest, talking to someone who, even if they couldn't understand everything between him and Remus, could understand more than anyone else that Sirius knew.

The others had not had such an enjoyable night. Remus had been polishing trophies, James had been cleaning dirty cauldrons, and poor Pete had got stuck helping Sprout re-pot Mandrakes. Safe to say, the other three Marauders were all in much worse moods when they got back to the dorm.

The September full moon was early that year, on the eighth. It was on a Wednesday, so Remus, of course, insisted on going to all his lessons, the bloody martyr. That evening, Sirius snuck down to the Shack with James and Pete, arriving just a few minutes before Remus did.

As soon as Pomfrey had left, James whipped the Cloak off. Pete was already a rat, so they could all fit under it, and Remus gave them a hesitant smile.

Sirius was feeling nervous - more nervous than he had ever been for a full moon, even the first one. It had been months since Moony and Padfoot had played together, and he had no idea how the wolf would react to him now.

"Alright, Re?" he asked.

Remus grimaced. "Fine. Just- just preparing."

Sirius could already see the first signs of the transformation. Remus was sweating, clearly trying to hide the pain he was in, and breathless. He would fall to the ground and start screaming any minute, Sirius knew.

"You'll be okay," he assured, going over and holding Remus' forearm, lowering him to the floor gently. "We'll be here until morning, with you. The whole time, I promise."

Remus nodded, looking up at him. "Change," he grunted, "it's coming."

Sirius moved away reluctantly, changing into Padfoot while James became Prongs.

Remus started to scream, as fur sprouted from his skin and bones began to crack. Padfoot whined loudly, watching his friend in agony. As soon as the transformation was over, and Moony was standing proudly, he bounded over.

Moony sniffed him cautiously, and Sirius stiffened, not moving. They stared at each other, neither one moving, for what felt like years. And then Moony nuzzled him, softly, and Padfoot barked in joy.

Prongs pushed the door of the Shack open, and the four animals all ran outside.

Sirius was crouching over Remus when he woke up. As always, the first thing Remus did was pull the blanket around him tighter.

"... Was I okay?" Remus asked quietly.

"Of course," Sirius whispered, so the other two couldn't hear him. "I think, um... I think Moony missed me."

Remus smiled, some of the tiredness leaving his face. "Obviously he did, Pads," he said, "you're his pack."

"He played with me all night. Wouldn't let me leave his side."

"We're pack," Remus repeated, not looking him in the eye, "we all are. He'd miss anyone who wasn't there."


"Oi, Padfoot!" James yelled from the other side of the room. "We gotta go, Pomfrey'll be here soon."

"Yeah, yeah," Sirius sighed, getting up, "see you later, Moony."

"See you later."

Sirius was trying to get over Remus. He really, really was. But it wasn't going well. Remus would walk into a room, and Sirius would automatically think Merlin, he's handsome or fuck, I want to snog him.

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