chapter 91

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The next day was the first of October, and Sirius awoke with a firm plan in his head. He had to move on. If he didn't, he was going to spend the rest of his life thinking about that one kiss, and he would not be that person. He would not pine forever. If Remus didn't want him, then that was fine. He had options.

He went down to the Great Hall, and sat down at the Ravenclaw table, next to Benjy.

"Black?" Benjy grinned. "What's up?"

"Still willing to help me move on?" Sirius murmured.

Benjy's eyebrows shot up. "Uh... yeah. I mean, if you want to. Are you okay, did something happen?"

"I'm fine, just bored of being a mopey git. I need some fun, and we always had fun, didn't we?"

"We did," Benjy smirked. "I'm free this evening, if that works for you?"

Sirius nodded. "I've missed our bathroom handjobs," he whispered coyly.

"Well, actually," Benjy coughed, "we aren't limited to the bathroom anymore."

"We aren't?"

"I came out to the guys in my dorm - because of you, actually, what you said about telling Potter."

"Merlin, are you kidding? Benjy, that's amazing! How did they take it?"

Benjy's face lit up. "Really well, believe it or not. And they'll clear out if I want some time alone with a guy, same as if I was with a girl."

"Fucking incredible," Sirius beamed. "No more manky toilets. Look at us, we're moving up in the world."

"Yeah we are," Benjy snorted.

"Seriously though, I'm happy for you. Doing that shit is bloody terrifying."

"Thanks. Come to Ravenclaw at, like, seven? I'll let you in."

"Sounds like a plan."

Sirius arrived at Ravenclaw Tower at seven precisely, having told the other Marauders he had a detention. Benjy was already there, waiting for him, and grinned when he saw him.

"Alright, Black?"

"Not bad," Sirius shrugged, "never been inside Ravenclaw, actually."

"You want to be?"

"Well, yeah, I-" Sirius noticed Benjy's expression and snorted. "You dirty bastard."

"Eh, come on, let's go."

There was not a portrait to enter the Common Room, but a large door with a knocker in the shape of an eagle.

"If you drop me I'm sure to crack," the eagle croaked, "but give me a smile and I'll always smile back. What am I?"

Benjy glanced at him. "Any ideas?"

Sirius stood there, stumped. "What the fuck's wrong with a simple password?" he grumbled.

Benjy laughed. "A mirror," he told the eagle, and the door swung open.

"Impressive," Sirius admitted.

"Mm, thank you."

"I find smart guys a real turn-on."

Benjy grinned at him. "Oh, really?"

"Mhm, absolutely."

"Come on, I'll show you the dorm."

The Ravenclaw Common Room was basically identical to Gryffindor, but decorated in blues and greys instead of red and gold. The layout was the same, and when Sirius entered Benjy's dorm, it too had the same set-up as his.

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