Chapter 17

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That Saturday was the night of the February full moon, so like usual, Sirius spent the day in the dorm with Remus. He hadn't stopped thinking about his Valentine's Day, however, and was currently examining his reflection in the bathroom window.

"I think I might grow my hair out," he said to Remus. He'd kept it about chin-length for a while now, but longer hair might look nice on him. "What do you think?"

"Sure," Remus said, deadpan.

"Do girls like longer hair?"


"Moony! Pay attention, this is important!"

"I have bigger problems than your hairstyle, Sirius," Remus said, and Sirius knew, without looking, that he was rolling his eyes.

"I'm taking your mind off those problems," he said piously, leaving the bathroom, and sitting cross-legged on the foot of Remus' bed. "What do you think would make me look hotter, longer or shorter?"

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?"

"You have eyes, don't you?"

"I don't know, I think it looks fine as it is."

"So, what you're saying is I'm already as hot as possible?" Sirius grinned.

"Fuck off! That's not what I said at all!"

"I'm gonna grow it longer," Sirius decided. "I think Lauren would like it."

"Do you like Lauren?" Remus asked.

"No idea, never spoken to her," he shrugged, "but I definitely like that she likes me."

February turned out to be an easy moon, and Sirius, James and Peter all kept Remus company in the Hospital Wing until Madam Pomfrey let him go on Sunday evening. With that done, it meant the next event for the Marauders was Remus' birthday. This year it fell on a Saturday, which was perfect for Sirius' plans.

On the morning of March 10th, Sirius woke up at about seven, because when would his body ever let him sleep in? He was excited, though, and jumped out of bed and went to go and wake James and Pete.

"Guys, it's Moony's birthday," he whispered, "get up!"

James leapt up immediately, while Pete took a little longer. But soon enough, they gathered around Remus' bed, and pulled the curtain back slowly. James counted down on his fingers.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they all yelled.

Remus eyes opened in shock, but he got his bearings quickly and grinned. "Thanks, you lot," he chuckled, "lovely way to wake up."

"Present time!" James announced. "Pete, you're first."

"Well, Sirius banned me from getting you any chocolate this year," Peter said, shooting him a glare, "so I got this instead." He gave Remus a wrapped gift that was very obviously a book, and Remus did his usual routine of opening it very carefully.

" Watership Down ," Remus smiled, "I've heard about this, it's supposed to be amazing - thank you, Pete."

"Okay, me next," James grinned, "think of it as payback for my present last year."

He handed Remus a soft package that was revealed to be a red jumper. When Remus unfolded it, he chuckled and held it against himself, showing off the words embroidered in big, gold letters: MY BEST FRIEND IS ON THE QUIDDITCH TEAM!

"James, how did you know?" Remus laughed, "it's exactly what I wanted!"

"I figure you can wear it to all my games," James smirked, "in fact, I'll be offended if you don't."

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