chapter 135

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Sirius smiled and shuffled over as Remus climbed into bed next to him, and shut the curtains around them both.

"Hey, do you want to do anything tomorrow?" Remus asked.

Sirius paused. Tomorrow was Valentine's Day, and honestly, he'd been trying not to think about it. He and Remus had been snapping at each other recently - ever since the conversation on Evans' birthday to be honest, and he wasn't sure he was in the mood for anything too romantic.

"Doesn't have to be a big deal," he hummed, "we can just have a normal day. I'm not really that arsed, you don't need to treat me like a bird."

Remus shrugged. "Whatever you want. I'm sure Prongs has some big gesture planned for Lily that neither of us could compete with anyway."

"I'll wake you up with a blowjob, how about that?" Sirius smirked.

"If you're planning on waking me up as early as you normally wake up, I'm not sure a blowjob's worth it," Remus said. The joke didn't feel as light-hearted as it normally would, and something twisted in Sirius' stomach.

"Suit yourself," he said breezily.

Remus rolled over to face away from him, yawning, and Sirius lay there, suddenly feeling strangely far away from the boy next to him.

"Actually, let's do something," he said on impulse.

Remus turned back around to face him, raising his eyebrows. "Yeah? You want to?"

Sirius nodded.

"Okay, well, what should we do?"

Sirius hesitated, thinking. A few months ago he would have gone with the obvious choice, and say they should go to the Hog's Head, but none of them had gone back to the pub since New Years, and if he was being honest with himself, he wasn't really all that eager to.

"I dunno," he said lamely, "but we... we should do something. Together."

Remus looked surprised, but he smiled happily, and Sirius felt a little relieved. "Well," he grinned, "I suppose you don't want to be wined and dined at Madam Puddifoot's?"

Sirius elbowed him in the ribs sharply. "Fuck off. And for the record, I would be the one who wined and dined you. "

"Hey, if you want to wine and dine me, I'm not going to complain."

"Well, tough. If you want me to wine and dine you, you're gonna have to be a lot nicer to me."

Remus laughed, reaching out under the covers and linking his fingers with Sirius'. It gave Sirius a quick, involuntary thrill of warmth.

"We can just stay in the castle," he said decisively, "but let's hang out just you and me. It'd be nice to spend some time together, just us."

Remus bit his lip and nodded. "Yeah, alright."

The next morning, Sirius woke Remus up as he had promised, which got the day off to a great start. When they went down to the Great Hall, there was the usual garish, pink decorations, along with excited squeals and nervous whispers from most of the student body.

James and Lily were both conspicuously absent, but the rest of the Gryffindors were there, looking various levels of cheery. Pete, who had not had a good time on previous Valentine's Day, was chewing on his toast grumpily, obviously trying to be as loud and obnoxious as possible, while Mary was making eyes at Ariston across the tables. Marlene was steadfastly not looking at the Hufflepuff table, Sirius noticed, but she was twisting her hands together, which meant she was nervous. He gave her a grin as she sat down, and she nodded at him quickly, flushing.

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