chapter 105

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"So how are you and Remus doing?"

It was early February, and it was the first time in weeks that both Sirius and Benjy had been free at the same time. They'd taken their brooms to the Quidditch pitch, but had ended up sitting in the stands and talking rather than actually flying.

"We're doing really good," Sirius grinned. "Don't ask me about him again though, cause I swear, if you give me the chance I'll end up going on and on about him."

"That's sweet."

"What about you? Have you got any news for me, or..."

Benjy grimaced. "Dumbledore's got me and a few other Seventh Years doing special dueling practice with Ortiz, so we're prepared for when we leave."

"Shit," Sirius breathed. "So he's made people offers, then? To join the Order or whatever?"

"Yeah. Me and Emmeline, obviously, and Caradoc, two Gryffindors as well. We're the only ones who said yes."

"Caradoc said yes?" Sirius asked casually.

Benjy suddenly became very interested in a speck of dust on his robes. "Uh, yeah. I mean, why wouldn't he?"

"What's up with you and him at the moment anyway?"

"Nothing!" Benjy exclaimed, and laughed nervously. "Why would you even- there isn't-"

Sirius snorted. "Smooth, Fenwick."

"Look," Benjy sighed, "we haven't done anything, I just think that, y'know, he might be trying to send me some messages. Am I crazy?"

"You aren't crazy," Sirius said firmly, "and if you like Dearborn, then go for it. You deserve it, and Merlin knows people like us don't get those sorts of opportunities often."

"Well, we'll see," Benjy said, looking unconvinced, "we've both got a lot going on. Dating is hardly the priority right now."

"Make it the priority," Sirius encouraged. "You think it'll be easier after you leave? If you have the chance now, don't throw it away."

Benjy nodded, smiling at him. "One relationship and you get all wise, eh, Black?"

"I just know it took me and Remus longer than it should have," Sirius said, "then, when we finally did get together, we felt like idiots for taking so long."

"What's he like?" Benjy asked, grinning. "I mean, I see him around in the library a bit, and I see the four of you together all the time, but I can't imagine him acting like... well, like a boyfriend or anything."

Sirius smiled to himself. "He's lovely," he said honestly. "I mean, he's quite private, he still refuses to tell any of our friends that we're together, but when it's just us... I dunno, he acts like I'm made of gold, or something ridiculous like that."

"Ha," Benjy laughed, "yeah, you would like that."

"You don't think it's a bad sign?" Sirius asked. "That he doesn't want to tell James or Pete or anyone?"

Benjy shook his head. "That would be a huge deal to him," he said slowly, "and you gotta remember he's much newer to everything than we are. As long as he isn't saying never, then I think you're okay. You guys still haven't actually been together that long."

"Yeah, I know. Thanks," Sirius grinned. "And lucky you, until other people know, I can just gush about him to you."

"Lucky me," Benjy said dryly. "That's basically been my job for a year and half."

"Yeah, but now I can reciprocate! Tell me about Caradoc!"

Benjy eyed him suspiciously, but then his face broke into a huge smile. "Okay, so, last week we were doing Potions together..."

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