Chapter 9

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Everything felt very hazy; it was like Sirius was deep underwater. He felt a lightened sense of calm, and was only vaguely aware of his surroundings. He was wearing his finest robes, and was at some sort of gala. He could recognise the Yaxleys, the Carrows, the Bulstrodes and a variety of other Sacred 28 families. Mother and Father were standing on either side of him, with Regulus next to Mother.

Caius Nott approached. "Walburga! Orion! It's an honour to have you, welcome. And Sirius, it's been a while, how is Hogwarts?"

Greet him politely, a little voice in his head encouraged.

"Hello Caius," he heard himself answer. "Thank you for inviting me. Hogwarts has been very educational."

"That's good, that's good," chuckled Caius, turning back to his parents. "You can get drinks at the bar. Mingle, enjoy yourselves, there'll be some dancing later on."

"Thank you, Caius," said Father.

Follow me, that voice said again, and Sirius drifted across the room with his parents. He felt so light and free, it was incredible. He wasn't sure how much time passed, as he greeted family friends and acquaintances, shaking hands and nodding along with conversation. Regulus was watching him strangely, but Sirius didn't care. A loud voice broke through his hazy mind.

"So you're in Gryffindor, ay? Bet there's all sorts in that house." Vincent Parkinson, the patriarch of the Parkinson family, was talking to him. Agree, the voice nudged, demonstrate proper values.

"Oh yes," Sirius replied. "Full of mudbloods and half-breeds, it's a disgrace really." Vaguely, he could remember not wanting to say that, but it didn't matter, because he felt like he was going to float away.

"Bloody Dumbledore," groused Parkinson. "It's an outrage they let him run the place."

"Yes, quite," Mother agreed. "But times are changing, Vincent, I'm sure you're aware. You want to make sure everyone is clear on where your loyalties lie."

Parkinson shifted uncomfortably. "I know I was uneasy at the beginning, Walburga, but you don't have to doubt me. The Parkinsons are loyal to the Dark Lord, we have been since June. Can't speak openly about it, for obvious reasons, but when the time comes, we'll do whatever it takes."

"I am glad to hear it," Mother replied. "Come on, Sirius, we haven't spoken to the Bulstrodes yet." He followed her obediently, and made a similar conversation with Marcus Bulstrode. Nothing felt real, he just relaxed into this overwhelming sense of calm.

He didn't even realise they were leaving until he was back at Grimmauld Place.

"What's up with you?" Regulus whispered. "You're acting weird!"

"I'm fine," Sirius replied, confused. He stood there in the hallway, still, just sinking into the feeling. Somewhere far away in the distance, he could hear his parents talking.

"Right, we're home now, Walburga, take him out of it!"

"I don't think we need to do that just yet, Orion. Isn't this son so much more pleasant?"

Say thank you to your parents, Sirius, the voice whispered to him, and go to bed.

"Mother, Father, thank you for a wonderful night," Sirius said. "I think I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight." He floated up the stairs, into his room, and sank into his bed, and fell into a blissful sleep.

Maybe days had passed, maybe weeks had, Sirius couldn't be sure. Time wasn't real. He was just floating, floating, floating, as the world moved on around him. He sat at the desk in his room all say, doing nothing except embrace that glorious feeling of lightness. Sometimes that voice would whisper to him, and he'd go and eat dinner with his family, and talk to guests, but he didn't mind, because everything just felt so free . No responsibilities, no worries. Just freedom.

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