chapter 162

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November ended up being a busy month. Death Eaters launched a string of attacks on goblin villages all over the country, and the Order was spread thin trying to cover each one. Moody even drafted in Remus, sending him down to guard Windlesham with Evans and Emmeline, while Sirius was sent up to Penwortham.

And if it so happened that they were both at home at the same time, they were both too tired to manage more than a short conversation. And with all the attacks, more and more people were having close calls. Marlene got into a duel with two Death Eaters and her arm got burned so badly she couldn't even move it for a week. Frank got lucky and arrested Anthea Carrow, after he stunned her while she was trying to control the Fiendfyre she had cast, but they lost three more Aurors in the blaze.

Sirius got into a fair few duels as well, but nothing came of them. Either the Death Eaters he was fighting apparating away, or he caught a bad curse and had to escape himself. He started to forget what it was like not to be permanently exhausted, or not have to be constantly aware of his surroundings, and the days passed slowly, dragging on as the nights got longer and the weather got colder.

But time marched on, relentless, and before he knew it, November was over, and Remus had another full moon to deal with.

"I'll be back Tuesday," he told Sirius, "then maybe we can take a break for a couple of days? Feels like I've barely seen you recently."

"I dunno," Sirius said honestly, "Moody's got me doing all kinds of shit at the moment. Not sure if I'll be free."

"I know, but don't you think you can ask for just a little time off?"

Sirius raised an eyebrow. "How about you ask for just one single moon off, Remus? Why's it gotta be me?"

"That's different. I'm the only one who can do this."

"Yeah," Sirius said darkly, "well, you're working, I'm working, and we'll see each other when we see each other, I guess."

Remus stared at him in annoyance, and Sirius huffed, turning away and starting to unload the dishwasher just so he could have the pretence of being busy.

"Fine," Remus said stiffly. "You'll be here on Tuesday, though? Or should I go somewhere else?"

"Of course I'll be here then!" Sirius snapped. "I'm always here when you get back!" He gripped the plate he was holding so tightly his knuckles went white. It was just so fucking typical of Remus. Sirius always made sure to be there after a moon, but Remus refused to have any faith in him.

"Well, what if you get called away?" Remus asked.

"Then I won't go." Sirius whirled back around, meeting Remus' eyes and staring him down. "Just go, Remus, go and do your job that's apparently so important, and stop worrying about where I'll be. If I say I'll be here, then I'll be here. For fucks sake!"

Remus snatched his wand up from the table angrily. "Yeah, okay, message fucking received, Black," he said bluntly. "I'm going."

That only served to fuel Sirius' outrage.

"Don't just fucking go!" he exclaimed in indignance. "Stay! We're having a fucking fight! Stay and fucking fight with me, you arsehole!"

"I can't do this right now!" Remus yelled, his face going red. "I'm tired, and sore, and I have to apparate half-way across the country! Do you get that? I can't schedule my entire fucking life around when you'll be in the mood to argue! It's not my problem if you wait until now to pick a fight!"

"So what, then? Are you really going to apparate away right now?" Sirius asked challengingly. "Go on then, do it. If that's what you want, leave right now."

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