Chapter 41

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Sirius and Regulus were apparated to Platform 9 ¾ late Sunday morning. Sirius hadn't spoken to Walburga since last night, and she let go of his shoulder as soon as they arrived. The station was busy, a clamour of students and parents alike, with owls hooting, First Years crying and older students yelling, all mixing together into a cacophony.

Automatically, a space was created around the Blacks, as those close to them shuffled back respectfully. Sirius rolled his eyes, scanning the crowd for anyone he knew. He spotted James almost instantly, who was looking at him and obviously debating whether or not to wave.

Sirius didn't bother saying anything to Walburga or Regulus, he grabbed his trunk and walked away, going straight over to James and his parents.

"Oi, Potter," he grinned, "you didn't want to come say hi to the family?"

James laughed good-naturedly, even while not-so-subtly casting an eye over him. "Knowing one Black is enough for me, I think. You okay?"

"Fine and dandy. Hi Euphemia, Monty. How are you?"

James' parents both smiled at him.

"We're great, love," Euphemia said warmly, patting his arm. "We were just telling James, maybe less than one detention a week this year? Maybe that could be a goal for you both."

"See, that's going to be difficult," Sirius said, "because I already have a goal, and it's to get two detentions a week."

"Yup, me too," James said instantly, throwing his arm over Sirius' shoulders. "It's a joint effort."

Monty smirked. "You two are just like I was, you're going to make poor McGonagall go grey."

"Nah, she loves us really," Sirius declared.

Euphemia sighed. "Work hard as well as playing hard, that's all I ask."

"We will," James groaned, "now can we go please? We need to find Remus and Peter."

Euphemia and Fleamont waved them off, and Sirius and James dragged their trunks onto the train, finding their usual compartment quickly.

"So how are you? Really?" James asked once they were safely inside.

"Walburga is an evil old hag, and the rest of my family are devil spawn," Sirius spat, sitting down by the window. "She fucking Crucioed me yesterday."

"What? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'm fucking angry. You know I beat the Imperio this summer? I beat her, James, I fucking beat her, and then she Crucios me? Well, fuck her, I hate her. I hate her so fucking much."

"Does Regulus know?"

"Yeah, he knows, he was in the fucking room. Just sat there and watched, like a little coward."

James stared at him. "I wish I could have been there, Sirius. I would have done something, I promise."

"I know," Sirius smiled, "that's why you're my real brother. Seriously, though, I'm not depressed or anything. I'm just angry. I'm so done with the bloody House of Black. Andy had the right idea - wait until you're of age and get out."

James nodded. "If you do ever leave, you'll still have a family."

"Thanks. What about you, good summer?"

"Fine," James shrugged, "boring, mostly."

At that moment Peter walked into the carriage. He'd got a little rounder over summer, and not any taller, and had the biggest grin on his face.

"Alright, lads?" he asked cheerfully. "Glad to be going back?"

"Merlin, yes," Sirius replied.

"Have you seen Moony, Pete?"

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