Chapter 45

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The next morning, the three boys rushed to the Hospital Wing to inform Remus of their progress. Madam Pomfrey didn't want to let them in, saying Remus needed his rest, but Moony was awake and yelled at them to come in anyway. They ducked past Pomfrey, flashing her three identical mischievous grins, and went to sit by Remus' side.

"You're alright then, Moony?" Sirius asked, taking his seat at the head of the bed.

"Never better," Remus said airily. "How did it go?"

"We did it!" Peter exclaimed.

"Tastes crap," James grinned, "you're lucky we like you, Remus."

Remus looked down, looking bashful. "You guys are crazy," he muttered.

Sirius wagged his finger teasingly. "Not crazy, Re. Just Marauders."

Over the next week, Sirius quickly learnt that carrying a leaf around in his mouth was not as easy as he'd assumed it would be. All food tasted awful, and even coffee, which he'd had to quit until he could spit the leaf out.

As a result, the three of them were picking at every single meal, trying to eat delicately so as little of the food as possible touched their leaves. It seemed to be more of a struggle for James and Pete; Sirius could still remember how hungry he had been those times at Grimmauld Place, and slightly smaller portions were nothing compared to the hunger he'd felt then. He didn't bother saying any of that - he didn't think the others would find it as inspiring as he did.

Sirius, Remus and Pete were sitting in the Common Room that weekend when James got back from the Quidditch Pitch. Training hadn't even started for the year yet, but that wasn't going to stop James.

"Alright?" Sirius asked as James flopped down beside him, all red and sweaty.

"Uh, yeah. Um, I caught the end of Slytherin tryouts."

"Oh?" Sirius said, only half-interested. "Don't tell me Snivellus is a Quidditch player now."

"No, it's, um, it's Regulus."

Everyone looked at James, and then, simultaneously, all their gazes swivelled to look at Sirius. He felt a rush of cold. It shouldn't matter - if Reg wanted to play Quidditch, that was up to him. Walburga would probably be so proud. Her favourite son representing Slytherin.

"What's his position?" Sirius asked emotionlessly.


Sirius nodded. He'd probably make a good Seeker, Sirius thought.

"Hey, Potter," he said suddenly, "any spaces on the Gryffindor team?"

James nodded slowly. "We need two beaters."

"Well," Sirius smiled, "if a Black is going to play for Slytherin, it's only fair there's also one playing for Gryffindor."

James grinned. "I'll help train you! If both of us are on the team, Slytherin will never win another match, I promise you."

"Wicked," Sirius grinned back. "Oi, McKinnon!" he yelled across the room, and Marlene looked over her shoulder. "Wanna try out to be Beaters?"

"Hell yeah!" she laughed, and Sirius flashed her a thumbs up. Walburga would hate this, he thought with satisfaction.

The next couple of weeks, Sirius was supremely busy. James was serious about training him; Gryffindor tryouts were the last weekend of October, and James seemed to believe he could get Sirius and Marlene to a professional standard by then.

It was tiring, but he found he didn't mind the training. Whacking Bludgers around a pitch was something of a release, and when he was done, he usually felt a sense of calm, like after spending hours in the library.

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