chapter 72

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The dreaded Sunday came, and Sirius was forced into the Hogwarts Express to go back to London. The compartment was tense as all the Marauders watched Sirius carefully, and it didn't make him feel any better.

After two hours of forced small talk and worried gazes, he'd had enough. He stood up, ready to walk out of the compartment.

"Where are you going?" James asked anxiously.

"For a walk," Sirius said, bluntly. "Can't put up with you three right now."

He left before anyone could respond, wandering the carriages aimlessly. Two weeks, that was all. He'd survived two months over summer, two weeks was going to be nothing. He'd be just fine.

Walking near the front of the train, he noticed Benjy in one of the compartments. He was sat by the door, surrounded by his Ravenclaw mates. Sirius debated what to do.

He ended up not having to do anything. Benjy noticed him, and stood up, slipping out of the compartment so they were standing together in the empty train carriage.

"Hey," Benjy said, smiling, "what's up? Why aren't you with your lot?"

Sirius shrugged. "They were annoying me," he mumbled. "I dunno what I'm doing, I'm sorry, you should go back to your friends."

"Hey," Benjy chided, "you're my friend too. Come on, let's find an empty compartment."

It didn't take them long. Sirius sat down, leaning his head against the window, feeling the bumps of the train as it moved. Benjy sat down opposite him.

"So," he said briskly, "Christmas with the family. Not gonna be a great time, I assume."

"No," Sirius sighed, "it'll be pretty shit."

"You'll get through it," Benjy said confidently. "You're tough, under that posh front."

Sirius snorted. "Thanks."

"And how's your man? Getting over him?"

"Ugh," Sirius groaned, "it's gotten complicated. I've no idea where I stand now, I dunno what's going on."

"Really?" Benjy asked with interest. "Maybe you have a shot then."

"Mm, I'm not gonna get ahead of myself. It might all be in my head."

"Gotta have some hope, though."

"Distract me," Sirius said, ignoring Benjy's comment. Any hope seemed far too dangerous.

"Okay, what can I talk about?" Benjy thought out-loud. "Well, Denise Travers asked me out last week. I told her she wasn't my type, but she got all offended, thinking I didn't like her because of her acne. I felt so bad, I almost told her I was only into cock just so she'd feel better."

Sirius grinned. "Dunno if she'd take it well, to be honest with you."

"No, probably not. Let's see, what else? Oh, I'm seventeen now! So I can do magic at home, finally."

"I always forget muggleborns can't do magic when they're away from Hogwarts."

"Yeah, well, I'm gonna take advantage of it now. I can give the whole house heating charms, stop us getting cold."

"You should add defensive charms as well," Sirius warned. "You never know where the Death Eaters are going to pop up anymore."

Benjy nodded slowly. "Shit, you're right. I need to do some research."

"Don't worry about it. Have you got any parchment, ink?"

Benjy looked at him strangely, but dug through his robes, producing a crumpled bit of parchment and one of those muggle pens. Sirius took both gratefully, and started scribbling a list of spells. Most of the protective magic on Grimmauld Place was dark curses and blood magic, but he knew enough normal spells that Benjy could use.

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