chapter 81

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He turned a corner, running down the corridor in his eagerness, and ran smack-bang into someone else, sending both of them sprawling to the floor.

"Bloody hell!" Sirius cursed. "Watch where you're- Snape?"

"Black," Snape hissed, as they both stood up. "What are you doing out?"

"What are you doing?"

They stared at each other for a second. Snape must be looking for Evans, Sirius realised.

"Fuck off, Snape," he snapped. "Run back to your Common Room."

"You fuck off!" Snape said angrily. "This is all your and Potter's fault anyway!"

"We didn't make you call Evans that."

"It- I didn't mean- You wouldn't understand, Black! And you don't know our friendship! If I could just talk to her, then-"

"No," Sirius smirked. "She's never going to talk to you again. You fucked up your only real friendship, and you know that it's your fault, no matter what you pretend."

Snape went very red, and he glared at Sirius with venom, hatred seeping out of every pore of his body. "Act cocky all you like, Black," he spat. "We both know you're just as bad as me. I heard all about how you were acting over Christmas. You're a true Black, really."

Sirius began to shake in anger. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"I think I do," smiled Snape, noticing that he was getting to Sirius. "You run around the castle, pretending you're so much better than your family, but you aren't. You go home at the holidays, and then you're saying the same shit you tell me I shouldn't say."

"It's not the same," Sirius growled.

"Of course it is! You have all your friends fooled right now, Black, but soon enough, they'll realise who you really are. And then you'll be in the same position as me, and I'll be laughing."

"I'm not fooling anyone! You - you've done nothing but lie to Evans for years!"

"DON'T TALK ABOUT LILY!" Snape yelled suddenly. "You have no idea what I would do for her!"

"Well, if I were you, Snivelly, I'd move on. She thinks you're pathetic."

Sirius started to storm away, but Snape grabbed the back of his robes, yanking him back.

" I'm the one who's pathetic?" Snape seethed, and Sirius had never seen him this angry. "Why don't we talk about you then? Poor little Sirius, who cries and screams and pisses himself whenever mummy Crucios him?"

Sirius' heart stopped. "What the hell are you talking about?" he asked quietly.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about?" Snape gloated. "What, don't feel like the mighty Heir anymore? Look at that - the Heir is just some weak, attention-seeking little boy who can't even stop his own parents torturing him. Honestly, if I didn't hate you so much, I would pity you."

Sirius felt like he was burning. He didn't know how Snape knew what he knew, but he did. And the things he was saying were all too real, but he wasn't allowed to say them. He wasn't a part of the House of Black, he had no fucking right to speak to Sirius that way, and Mother's voice was ringing in his head Be respected, Sirius, you must demand respect, you're the Heir and Snape was cackling gleefully and the Black ring on his finger was weighing his whole arm down and he felt like he might vomit, he felt like he might cry, Snape shouldn't know any of that and he couldn't let Snape get away with saying that shit and he had to stop feeling, he had to stop feeling right now before he broke.

He did the only thing he knew how to do. He turned off any emotion inside him, he let any expression fall from his face. He didn't bother with threats or intimidation. If Snape wanted to laugh at the Heir to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, then he would have to take the punishment. Sirius got out his wand.

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