chapter 73

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Christmas was on a Thursday, and as Sirius had predicted, there was a gala for the Sacred 28 that night, this year being hosted by Carrows. He was getting ready to leave now, and for the first time in a while, was making the conscious effort to look like a respectable, intimidating Heir.

He'd had a shit few days at Grimmauld Place. After Walburga had Crucioed him, he'd passed out again, waking up some time in the middle of the night. He'd never been out for that long before, she must have cursed him for longer than she used to.

Since then, he had hidden in his room whenever he wasn't required, eating silently during mealtimes and avoiding eye contact with anyone. He couldn't afford to do anything that would piss Walburga off again. For all his fighting, and all his anger, over the years, he was tired now. Submission was easier.

Regulus had tried to talk to Sirius the morning after. He'd probably heard his screaming. Sirius refused to engage with him. Talking to Reg only ever caused him trouble.

He slicked back his hair, so it was tidy and out of his face, and put on a pair of his more ornate robes. He stiffened as he looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like a carbon copy of Walburga, and he hated it. Oh well. That's how he had to look tonight, if he was going to have any chance.

He went and met the rest of his family in the foyer. Walburga looked him up and down in surprise.

"You look... fitting," she said suspiciously. "Are you planning on embarrassing us tonight?"

He shook his head meekly. "No, Mother. I'll behave."

She raised an eyebrow. "See that you do. Orion, is it time to go?"

Orion nodded. "Don't forget to talk to the Selwyns, Walburga. Some of them are getting cold feet."

"I'll deal with it," she said easily, before grabbing Sirius' shoulder. "Let's go."

They disapparated, landing in a huge room, filled with what must be a hundred guests, all in black tie. An old Celestina Warbeck tune was playing, and House Elves were scarpering around with harried faces and trays of food.

A second later, Orion and Regulus arrived next to them. They were only waiting a second before Anthea Carrow had rushed over to greet them.

"Orion, Walburga!" she crowed, fawning. "How wonderful to see you!"

"Likewise," Walburga sneered. The Blacks were never excited to see anyone - their presence was an honour they had chosen to bestow.

"Most people are here already," Anthea continued, "we have drinks at the bar, or just ask one of the Elves to fetch you whatever you want. Mingle, enjoy yourselves, let me know if there's anything I can do."

"We will," Orion said stiffly. "Give my regards to your husband."

Reg looked up at Walburga. "Do you need me, Mother, or can I go and find some classmates?"

"Go on," Walburga nodded, and Regulus took off, heading towards the huddle of Slytherin teens in the corner of the room, who were not-so-subtly stealing goblets of wine off of unsuspecting Elves' trays. "Orion, go and speak to Vincent," Walburga instructed, "I'll keep an eye on Sirius."

Sirius held back a groan. If he had any hope, he needed to shake her off.

He indulged her for a couple of hours, letting the adults around him get progressively drunker. He was trotted around the heads of various Sacred 28 families, making small talk and laughing politely at their jokes.

He played the Black Heir role perfectly, for Walburga more than anyone else. He even dropped a couple of slurs when the conversation turned hateful, in a last-ditch effort to convince her she didn't need to stick to him like glue.

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