chapter 156

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14TH APRIL 1979

The morning of the wedding, Sirius arrived at Alphard's early, before anyone else was even there to set up. Andromeda was already waiting for him on the porch, and he hurried over to greet her.

"Andy!" he smiled. "It's good to see you."

"You too," she said politely. She had on her typical robes and full face of make-up, even though Sirius had only bothered to throw on jeans and a t-shirt. She smiled when she saw him, however, and gave him a warm hug, and likeness to the Blacks disappearing in an instant. "Excited?"

"Mm, can't wait."

"Well, lots to do before people arrive. I need you to know the ground rules before people arrive."

Sirius nodded. "Yeah, take me through everything."

"Right," she said briskly, "the wedding's to be on the first floor and in the garden. Ted's been using the second floor as a makeshift hospital, so no one's allowed up there, okay? We still have a couple of patients there who don't need disturbing."

"That's what you've been using this place for?!" Sirius asked in annoyance. "Andy, this was supposed to be a reward for you putting up with Alphard, not for work."

Andromeda rolled her eyes. "St Mungo's isn't an option for Order members, we needed somewhere. And it's not like we need a mansion, there's only three of us."

"Ugh, fine, whatever. What else?"

"Well, Alphard had a lot of dark artefacts, dodgy books, you know what I mean. I've got all that stored in the attic in case we ever have use for it, but no one can find that stuff, alright? Wouldn't exactly be a good look for us."

Sirius snorted. "People knowing the Black black sheep keep in touch with their dark roots? Yeah, that might raise a few eyebrows."

"Exactly," Andromeda sighed, "but I don't always buy this light shit that Dumbledore sells. Better to have it and not need it, you know?"

"Yeah, I get you."

"Right. Well, I've warded the attic just in case, but if anyone tries to get up there, they'll likely end up on the second floor for a couple of weeks, so just keep people away, alright?"

"Sure," Sirius said, smirking. "Is that it?"

Andromeda shrugged. "I've already taken down the blood purity wards around the perimeter, so there shouldn't be any issues there. So... yes, I think that's all."

Sirius smiled at her gratefully. "Thanks for letting me do this," he said. "I know it's a hassle."

"Nonsense," Andy said, waving him off. "I've always liked James, I'm glad I could help him out. And even if I didn't, holding a lovely mixed-blood wedding on Alphard's estate? Nice way to spite him from beyond the grave."

She grinned triumphantly, and Sirius snorted.

"Well, whatever your reasons, thank you," he said.

She patted his arm. "Right then, I need to go and get ready, and I'm assuming you have a packed schedule?"

"Yeah, I'm helping with the set-up here, then off to the Potters to go and get James."

"I'll let you go then. See you this afternoon?"

"Sure, see you."

Andromeda pecked his cheek and apparated away, and Sirius walked through the house. They were lucky - summer had come early that year, and the sun was shining, a warm breeze drifting through the air. Checking his watch, he figured he only had ten or so minutes before Remus and Peter turned up to help him, so he added a couple of extra wards to the staircase, hoping to keep people away before they encountered whatever horrors Andy had in store for them if they broke her rules.

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