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October started on a Saturday that year, and the Marauders had planned to use the weekend to try and think of a prank. They were struggling to get inspired though, and the workload had increased what seemed like tenfold over summer.

Pete was the first to give up, going to try and see if making progress with Eliza would go any easier. Then James was snatched away by Evans to go and discipline some younger students, and only Remus and Sirius were left. Then Remus tried to leave and get some homework done, but at that point Sirius put his foot down.

"You are not ditching me, Moony," he said dramatically. "I'm going to die of boredom otherwise."

Remus smiled at him patiently. "We could work together?" he offered.

"Ha!" Sirius laughed. "Fat chance. Think of something else."

In the end, they compromised and brought the record player down to the Common Room, and Sirius got Remus to explain to him how muggles used petrol to make their cars work for his Muggle Studies essay. This ended up taking far longer than either of them had anticipated, and by the time Sirius thought he understood it, the sun had long since set, and they were the only ones still in the room.

"Thanks," Sirius said gratefully. "You're much better than the professor."

"You're welcome," Remus grinned. "If you really want a motorbike one day, you'll need to know how they work."

"Don't you think they're dangerous?"

"Oh, absolutely," Remus said at once. "They're a complete deathtrap. But the idea of you on a motorbike is also incredibly sexy, so I'm all for it."

Sirius laughed, and took advantage of the empty Common Room, leaning over to kiss him. "What else do you find sexy?" he asked, grinning. "If it turns you on, I'll do it, Moons."

Remus simply laughed. "Everything you do turns me on," he whispered. "Just seeing you try to make sense of motor vehicles makes me wanna blow you."

"Oh really?" Sirius smirked, intrigued.

At that moment, the portrait swung open, and bickering voices filled the room.

"You're being selfish, Evans!"

Sirius looked over in confusion to see James and Lily climbing into the Common Room, James looking annoyed, Lily looking furious.

" I'm being selfish?" Evans exclaimed. "You're being an ego-driven idiot, Potter! I can't believe you right now! Have you got no fucking morals?!"

"Hey, hey," Remus said quickly, sitting up. "What's going on?"

James and Lily both whipped round to look at them, their eyes wide and shifty.

"It's... it's nothing," Lily said shakily. "We're just having a fight."

"It's not nothing, Evans," James snapped. He turned to look at Sirius and Remus. "We just had a meeting with Dumbledore."

Sirius froze, his stomach dropping sickeningly.

"James," Lily implored, "don't tell them."

"They deserve to know. Look, Pads, Moony, Dumbledore told us he needs help with the war. He wanted to know who in our year would be willing to help, and I said we would, plus Pete, obviously."

"It's bullshit," Lily hissed. "We're still at school, for Christ's sake."

James shot her a glare. "Sirius?" he asked expectantly. "Remus?"

Sirius opened his mouth, but no words came out.

"Of course we'll help," Remus spoke up.

"Remus," Lily said, her eyes pleading, "it's not your job-"

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