chapter 145

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Sirius woke up in his room at the Potters, the sun glaring through a gap in his curtains. Groaning, he debated internally whether it was worth getting out of bed to close them properly. After a few minutes of indecision, and pressing his face into the pillow and trying to ignore the light, he gave up, heaving himself out of bed and deciding he may as well get up anyway. He had lots to do today.

As he was brushing his teeth, his mind flashed back to the day before, when he'd taken the Hogwarts Express for the last time. He smiled to himself as he remembered dragging Remus into one of the train's bathrooms before they got to London.

He pushed Remus up against the sink and kissed him, slipping his tongue into his mouth, never one to miss an opportunity to sneak off and snog Moony.

"Tomorrow, yeah?" Sirius asked as he withdrew.

"Yeah," Remus said. "What time?"

"I'm planning on getting there about four. Does that work?"

Remus smiled at him. "Four is good."

"You have the address, right? And make sure to Floo, I don't want you apparating somewhere you've never been before. A spliching would really start things off on the wrong foot. And we'll need to go shopping for food at some point, but I'll bring something for dinner, what do you want?"

"Stop worrying," Remus chided. "I have the address, of course I'll Floo, and I'll eat anything you put in front of me, you know I'm not fussy. It'll all be fine."

Sirius nodded. "Sorry. I just... I just want you to like it there."

"Will you be there?"

"...Uh, yeah."

"Then I'll like it."

Sirius kissed him again, the urge overwhelming. He kind of hated Remus when he said such stupid, simple shit like that, and it made him completely weak at the knees. What a bloody nuisance.

"Smooth bastard," he whispered, not clueing Remus in on his feelings. The prick probably already knew anyway. "Is that from one of your smutty romance novels?"

"What do you know about those?" Remus asked sharply.

Sirius snorted. "I could recognise the expression on your face when you were reading the other day," he said, laughing at the memory. "Wasn't that hard to work out what was going on."

"I read them for the plot," Remus sniffed haughtily, and Sirius laughed even harder.

"Sure you do," he said.

The train started to slow down, and Remus sighed.

"Probably time to go find the others," he said.

"Guess so." Sirius grinned at him. "Next time I see you, it'll be in our house."

"Only..." Remus glanced at his watch, "about twenty-three hours."

Sirius spat the toothpaste into the sink, and felt the first flutters of excitement in his stomach. It all felt very adult - living alone, no adult supervision, just him and Moony fending for themselves. But Remus was smart, and not just book-smart; he knew shit, he was... worldly. Sirius himself probably couldn't manage more than a week or so on his own, but Remus was so self-reliant, he never needed any help or assistance. And he would be there, so it wasn't really all that scary.

Going downstairs, Euphemia was already there, and he said good morning to her as he set about getting himself a coffee.

"It's good to have you back, dear," she said from the sofa. "I felt like I went far too long without seeing you, when you and James didn't come back for Christmas."

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