Chapter 23

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Sunday flew by quickly, and Monday meant lessons were starting. For the first time, Sirius was actually eager to go to class, because he had his first Muggle Studies lesson. The other three all had Care of Magical Creatures, and Sirius easily waved them goodbye after breakfast, hurrying to the Muggle Studies corridor. When he got to the classroom, Marlene was already waiting outside.

"Black?" she asked, "didn't think your family would let you take Muggle Studies."

"They don't know," Sirius grinned. "What about you? I thought you were a half-blood, won't you already know all this?"

"I hope so," she smirked, "I picked this and Divination, cause I thought they'd be easiest. My parents are both muggleborn, but I grew up in the Wizarding World though, so my knowledge of the muggle world is kinda spotty."

"You'll still be better than me," Sirius shrugged. "I've never even spoken to a muggle, I don't think."

When they were let in, Marlene took a seat next to him. Sirius was grateful she was in this class too, he'd been a little worried that he'd have no friends. The class was small - he and Marlene were the only Gryffindors, and there were two Ravenclaws and three Hufflepuffs. No Slytherins, of course, but that was just another reason to take Muggle Studies.

The lesson was fascinating. The Professor gave them an overview of the syllabus; this year, they'd be covering muggle transport, clothing and politics. Sirius' textbook had a picture of something called a motorbike in it, with a muggle man riding it, and Sirius thought it was quite possibly the coolest thing he'd seen in his whole life.

"That was great," he said to Marlene as they were leaving, "I think that's my new favourite class."

"It was good," she agreed, "I might do that essay on public transport tonight, in the Common Room. Wanna do it with me?"

"Sure," Sirius said, "you'll know way more than me though, I might slow you down."

"I don't mind," she smiled, "doing homework on your own is boring."

They had Charms next, and were reunited with the rest of the Gryffindors. Marlene went off to talk to Mary and Evans, and Sirius listened as the three Marauders told him about Care of Magical Creatures. Apparently, the first month was going to be spent on flobberworms, and the three of them were highly disappointed.

It was as they were eating dinner that evening that McGonagall approached them.

"Mr Black," she said, in her usual no-nonsense voice.

Sirius glanced up. "Whatever it is, I promise, I really had nothing to do with it this time."

McGonagall sighed. "You are not in trouble. Although the fact you assume you are probably means you should do some re-evaluating of your decisions. Professor Dumbledore has asked me to fetch you."

"Why does Dumbledore want to see you?" Remus asked him.

"That's none of your concern, Mr Lupin," McGonagall said. "Mr Black, if you would follow me please."

She didn't wait for a reply, and started to walk away briskly, leaving Sirius to hurry after her. She took him to the Headmaster's Office, but paused, and did not enter.

"You had your first Muggle Studies class today," she said, looking at him strangely, "did you enjoy it?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I really did. Thanks for helping me with that, Professor."

She continued to stare at him. "I want Hogwarts to feel like home to all of its students," she said eventually, looking away and knocking at the door.

"Come in," Dumbledore's voice called. McGonagall gestured for Sirius to enter, but didn't accompany him, turning around and going back down the long, winding staircase.

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