chapter 104

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"That was good, right?" Remus asked Sirius, as they lay together on Sirius' bed, the sheets tangled around them.

"Merlin, yes," Sirius breathed, rolling over so he could rest his head on Remus' chest. "That was fucking fantastic."

Remus wrapped one of his arms around Sirius. "Good." He pressed a kiss atop Sirius' head. "How long do you think we have until Prongs and Wormy come back?"

"This could be how we let them find out," Sirius grinned. "It'd save any awkward conversations, that's for sure."

Remus snorted. "Very funny," he said, rolling his eyes. "But I'm serious - check the map, see if they're still in the library."

Sirius sighed, but reached over an arm over to his bedside table and grabbed the map, unlocking it. "You're safe," he said sarcastically, "it looks like they're still studying."

"Wicked," Remus murmured, "tell me when they start moving and we'll put our clothes on."

"So you still don't want to tell anyone?" Sirius asked. He felt Remus' body tense underneath him.

"I just... I'm already the werewolf, Pads. I don't wanna be the queer one as well."

"They wouldn't care," Sirius said quietly. "They didn't care about me and Benjy."

"I know. It'd be different this time though, wouldn't it? Because it's the two of us."

Sirius pressed his cheek into Remus' skin. "I know you want to wait longer," he said, "but I don't like hiding us, especially from Prongs. It feels all wrong."

"Sorry. I'll get there, I promise. I just need more time."

Sirius nodded and sat up, kissing Remus on the mouth. "I can wait, Moony," he smiled.

Sirius didn't get to talk to Remus much over the next week. First they had Evans' birthday, where Sirius and James organised an epic surprise party in the Common Room, which Remus subsequently scaled down until it was something that Lily would actually enjoy. Only a few days after that and it was the February full moon, so Remus was tired and cranky until the night was over and done with.

The morning after the full moon brought bad news. It was a Saturday, and Sirius, James, and Pete had all snuck into the dorm just as the sun was rising and collapsed into bed, expecting to sleep until at least lunchtime. Sirius, however, awoke when he heard anxious whispers.

"Should I go and tell him?"

"I don't know, James, maybe."

"He probably knows already. Pomfrey would've told him."

"Do none of you go and see him when it's over? You really just leave him in the Hospital Wing?"

Sirius pulled back his bed curtains, to see Evans and James sitting together on James' bed, James looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

"What's happened?" Sirius asked.

"Another werewolf attack," Evans said, her face pale and her tone solemn. "I was asking James what we should do, if Remus will want anything."

"It's different to October," James told him. "They coordinated with Death Eaters this time, everyone targeted had spoken out against blood purity publicly."

Sirius cursed internally. "I'll go and see Moony," he said firmly, "don't come with me, he won't want to feel like we're pampering him. Keep your mirror on you, yeah, and I'll call you when you can come and see him."

James nodded, and Sirius got up, and started getting changed. Evans rolled her eyes when he started stripping, but ignored him, turning to look at James again.

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