chapter 102

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They had only been back at Hogwarts for three days before the January full moon rolled around. When the moon set, in the early hours of Thursday morning, Sirius convinced James and Peter to go back to the dorm without him, leaving him with Remus and the Cloak.

He covered Remus, who was passed out on the torn-up floor, with the scratchy blanket, and glanced at his watch. He probably had at least twenty minutes until Pomfrey came down. He petted Remus' hair, waiting as patiently as he could for him to wake up.

Remus always scrunched up his nose, when he was waking up. Sirius loved that, he loved that he knew that, that he could watch it happen and learn all those little, insignificant things.

It had been a really good three days. They had been limited, of course, because they were almost never alone, James or Peter were always with them. But even when they weren't alone, they both knew. And that was what Sirius loved more than anything. That he could smile at Remus now, in the Great Hall or across a classroom, and Remus would smile back, and they both knew what it meant. When Remus smiled at him now, or touched him, or even simply looked at him, it felt better than it ever had before.

"Hey, Moony," he said softly.

"Hi," Remus said, his voice slightly hoarse. "Where're the others?"

"Got rid of 'em," Sirius grinned. "It's just us. For once."

Remus stared up at him, smiling softly. "Was I okay?"

"You were your usual cuddly self," Sirius assured him, and Remus snorted. Sirius waited for a moment. "I'm going to tell Benjy today."

"Oh." Remus paused, looking unsure how to react. Sirius was sure he was holding back a huge grin. Jealous prick, he thought affectionately. "Alright, thank you."

"Then I was thinking I'd skip Ancient Runes, if you're out of the Hospital Wing by then. The dorm will be empty..."

Remus smirked. "I'll try and get Poppy to let me go."

Sirius nodded, leaning down to kiss him. Merlin, he'd never get tired of doing this. He moaned into Remus' mouth, moving to straddle him and pulling at his hair.

Remus indulged him for a few seconds before pushing him away. "Pads, I'm naked," he said.

"All the more reason to carry on."

Remus chuckled, glancing away. "And Poppy will be here any minute."

"Ugh, fine," Sirius complained, getting off him. "I'll save it for later."

"Tell me how it goes with Fenwick, okay?"

"I will. I'll see you later, Moons."

"See you."

Sirius skipped lunch that day, using the map to find Benjy instead. He was in the library, and Sirius was lucky that he seemed to be alone. He headed over, and sat next to him on the empty table. Benjy had at least five different textbooks open in front of him, and he had bags under his eyes.

"Did you not do the holiday work?" Sirius smirked.

Benjy glanced at him. "I've been busy," he groaned. "I've had other stuff to do, and now all the work has started piling up. I might have to quit the Quidditch team, I just have too much going on."

"Well," Sirius said slowly, "I might have some good news for you, on that front."


"Me and Remus have worked our shit out. We're... well, we're together."

Benjy put his quill down, and stopped what he was doing to look at Sirius properly, his jaw hanging open. "You're kidding," he said disbelievingly, "since when?"

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