Chapter 30

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"Want to do something tomorrow?" Marlene asked Sirius on Friday, as they were leaving Muggle Studies.

"Oh," Sirius paused awkwardly. Tomorrow was the full, and Sirius liked to spend the day before every full with Remus, making sure he was okay. It wasn't like he could tell Marlene that, though. "Remus is kinda sick, actually, I was going to stay with him. Is that okay?"

"Of course," Marlene said, looking surprised. "I think it's nice how good friends you four are. If Remus is sick again, you should look after him."

"You aren't upset?"

She elbowed him. "No! Believe it or not, there are other people I can hang out with, you aren't my only option."

Sirius grinned. "I am the best, though."

Marlene snorted. "Keep dreaming, wanker."

Secretly, Sirius thought Marlene was actually the best. Most girlfriends got really annoyed when their boyfriends ditched them to hang out with their mates, but she never seemed to mind. She was always just as happy to spend time with Mary, or Lily, as she was with him.

So on Saturday, Sirius was in the dorm with Remus like normal, and playing his new album. Pink Floyd still wasn't as good as Bowie, in his opinion, but he doubted anything was. It was still good music, though, and he was happy with anything that kept his record collection growing.

"The grass is growing well," he said thoughtfully, looking at the large pot on the windowsill. Peter had been in charge of watering it, and he'd been doing a good job, as there was now a thick bloom growing. "We should start thinking about getting the other stuff we need."

Remus hummed from his bed. "We found that passage to the dungeons last week. Shouldn't be hard for us to sneak into Slughorn's office, with that and the Cloak."

"We can go tonight, while you're away," Sirius said. "We need to get a move on, it's November and we're barely ahead of where we started."

"If you want - just make sure you get the right stuff. We never pay attention in Potions, and James and Pete aren't much better."

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry Moony," Sirius smirked. "I can list everything we need by heart at this point, we won't mess up."

"Okay, just be careful."

Sirius nodded. "Tell me something about muggles," he said, changing the subject.

Remus smiled. Sirius often used their time together to get Remus to tell him about the muggle world, and Remus never seemed to mind.

"Have you heard about rugby?" he asked.

That evening, after Remus had left them to go to the Shack, Sirius, James and Peter all got ready to sneak out. James had made a list of everything they needed, and hopefully, Slughorn would have all of it.

Ducking under the Cloak, they encountered their first problem.

"We're too big," James complained, "You can see our ankles!"

"One of us will have to stay behind," Sirius said. "Pete, you wait here."

Pete started to move, when James stopped him.

"Actually, Sirius, why don't you stay," he said abruptly. "Pete and I can handle this."

"What? You want me to go without me?"

"Yeah, just this time. Don't worry, we'll be quick." James started dragging Peter out of the dorm, leaving Sirius to stare after them.

What the fuck? James actually would rather take Pete on a mission than him? Angrily, Sirius flopped down on his bed, whipping the curtains shut behind him dramatically, even though he was alone. Whatever, he didn't need James. If James now thought Peter was a better best friend than Sirius, then that was fine by him.

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