Chapter 35

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On Monday evening, Sirius slipped into the Common Room, scanning it carefully. He'd successfully avoided Lauren all day, and he really didn't feel like hiding in his dorm all night. Thankfully, he couldn't spot her, but Marlene and Mary were sitting on a sofa.

"Oi, McKinnon," he walked over, grinning, and flopping down next to her. "What's been going on with you recently?"

"Meh, nothing. You've moved on quite quickly though, wanker," she smirked.

Marlene was teasing, but apparently Mary didn't find it funny, as she was glaring at her. Sirius shot her a charming smile, but it didn't help. Oh well, he didn't really care what Mary thought about him.

He turned back to Marlene. "I guess you're just easily replaceable."

She snorted, elbowing him. "You like her, then? You're happy?"

He shook his head thoroughly. "Marlene, she's awful. I never even meant to start dating her, it just happened! How do I break up with her - she never even lets me talk, she just blathers on for hours and I nod! I don't even know how to break up with someone! What am I supposed to do?"

She let him finish his frantic outburst with an amused expression. "Man up, Black," she said, unsympathetically. "You're dumping a girl, it's not that scary."

"It is! I'm trapped!"

She rolled her eyes at him, and Mary had apparently had enough, leaving with a huff.

"Oh shit," Sirius whispered, as Lauren entered the Room, spotting him immediately and walking over.

"Okay, Jesus, you owe me for this," Marlene sighed. "Just play along, okay?"

Sirius nodded, and she shifted closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Sirius?" Lauren asked, reaching them, looking a bit annoyed. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, Sirius and I are just catching up," Marlene said airily. "He can chat with you later, okay?"

Lauren glared at him. "You still talk to your ex? While we're dating?" she questioned.

"Um...yes?" he said.

"Well, I don't like it," she said shortly. "I'd rather you didn't to be honest."

"That's not going to happen, sorry love," Marlene smiled sweetly, still nestled close to Sirius.

"Sirius!" Lauren exclaimed shrilly. "Get away from her!"

"Nah, me and Marlene are still close, you're going to have to deal with that if you want to date me," Sirius said.

"Fine! We're over!" Lauren yelled, storming away.

As soon as she'd left the room, Marlene shifted away. "You're welcome," she smirked.

"Thank you so much," Sirius whispered gratefully.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Next time you need to dump someone, I'm not helping."

"You're my saviour. An absolute goddess, you are."

"I know," she grinned, shoving him. "Fuck off now, I need to find Mary, calm her down."

"Okay," Sirius chuckled, "seriously though, how've you been? I only ever see you in Muggle Studies."

Marlene gave him a genuine smile. "I've been good, don't worry. We can hang out this week if you want, and catch up?"

"Sounds wicked," Sirius nodded eagerly, "can't wait."

They did hang out that week - they took food out of the Great Hall, and ate in an empty classroom, like they used to do when they dated. Now they were just friends, though, Sirius enjoyed it even more. He really did like Marlene, but she'd been completely right. They were much better off without all that romance stuff.

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