chapter 116

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In the end, Sirius and Remus were forced to break apart when James jumped on them, pulling both of them into a headlock.

"This is bloody fantastic news!" he exclaimed. "You two, together! I never- I mean, I thought after... Wait, Pads, is this why you stopped hooking up with Fenwick?"

Sirius laughed. "Yeah, this had something to do with it."

"Moony, you saint," James grinned, smacking a kiss on Remus' forehead loudly, "you're probably why Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup this year!"

"For Merlin's sake, Prongs," Sirius said, rolling his eyes, "I wasn't telling Benjy our Quidditch strategy!"

"Pete?" Remus asked hesitantly.

Pete snorted, looking from Sirius to Remus and back again. "I'm happy for you two idiots," he said, "of course I am."

Remus smiled, and Sirius slipped underneath his arm happily.

"This is all very sweet," Evans said, "but we still have to find somewhere to sleep tonight."

"Evans!" James whirled around. "Did you know?"

"Bit slow on the uptake are we, Potter?" Evans smirked.

James shook his head. "I can't believe this," he said. "I can't even be mad you didn't tell me, I'm too happy!"

"Alright, alright," Remus chuckled, "Lily's right, let's find somewhere to stay."

They carried on walking, but Sirius didn't move away, and Remus didn't move his arm. They kept bumping and pushing into each other, but Sirius didn't care.

They ended up finding a small, cheap place that could give them two rooms. Lily collected the keys from the tired-looking attendant, and led them down one of the hallways until they got to their rooms.

"Pads, Moony, you take one," James said firmly, "Evans, Wormy, and I will take the other."

"Are you sure?" Sirius asked.

James winked at him. "Something tells me you two are gonna want some privacy tonight."

Sirius wasn't going to look a gift-horse in the mouth. He snatched the keys out of Evans' hand and started dragging Remus towards their room.

"See you lot in the morning!" he yelled, opening the door and pushing Remus inside, hearing James' booming laughter behind him.

He pounced on Remus as soon as the door slammed shut behind him, kissing him everywhere - his face, his neck, his ears. He never wanted to stop, it was like joy and adoration were pumping through his very veins, seeping out of every pore.

"Moony," he whispered in between kisses, "I can't believe you. I can't believe you just did that. Moony. "

Remus threaded his hands through Sirius' hair, holding his face still and looking him in the eyes. "I wasn't going to let it end like that," he murmured, "nothing's worth not having you."

"I-" Sirius faltered, looking up at Remus, feeling the heat from his palms on his cheeks. "...I didn't want to rush you, or give you an ultimatum, or do anything shitty like that. I thought it was kinder to just give you time."

"I know that," Remus nodded, "and I'm not going to lie and pretend like it was easy, just cause I was doing it for you. But it was the right thing to do, without a doubt."

Sirius bit his lip. "You aren't going to resent me now?" he asked tentatively.

"Absolutely not," Remus said firmly. "I- I have a lot of issues that I need to deal with better. I didn't want to come out, and you were kind of right, some of it was to do with some weird masculinity bullshit."

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