Chapter 50

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The next morning was a Monday, and the entire dorm was suffering from hangovers. Sirius woke up with the urgent need to vomit, and rushed to the bathroom only to find Remus already kneeled over the toilet.

"Shove over, Moony," he muttered, and Remus shuffled away just in time for Sirius to barf his guts up. "Ack," he cursed, "that's it, I'm never drinking again."

Remus just groaned in commiseration, and passed Sirius a glass of water, which he glugged down gratefully.

"Pretty fun night though, right?" he continued. "I saw you getting it on with that Ravenclaw bird."

"Yeah," Remus said, his voice hoarse. He took the glass back, and filled it with an Aguamenti, apparently not even having the energy to stand up and fill it from the sink. He chugged it down, and looked at Sirius. "What?"

"Well, who is she?" Sirius grinned.


"You don't sound very excited," Sirius frowned. "What, was she a bad kisser?"

Remus snorted. "No, no, it was all very enjoyable. But it was just making out at a party, nothing more."

"You don't like her?"

"I dunno, I don't really know her that well. Wouldn't matter if I did though."

"Why not?"

"You're full of questions today, you know," Remus said, looking slightly amused through his exhaustion.

"Yeah, cause you just had your first snog! It's a big moment! Why wouldn't it matter if you liked her?"

"Because I'm a werewolf, Sirius," Remus said, as if he was being dumb. "No one will ever want to be with me when they find out, and there's no point trying to have a relationship while keeping something that huge a secret."

Sirius stared at Remus in shock. "So, what are you saying, Re? You're just never going to date anyone?"

"I came to terms with it a long time ago," Remus shrugged.

"But... But Remus, that's so stupid! You deserve a girlfriend, and romance, and all that stuff. Being a werewolf shouldn't stop that!"

"It does though," he said, infuriatingly calm. "I'm not mad about it. I never even thought I'd be able to have friends who knew about my lycanthropy, let alone go to the lengths you three have. I don't need any more."

Sirius was having a hard time computing what Remus was saying. Remus was just the kindest, loveliest person he had ever met, no one on the planet was good enough for him. But he should have all the dates, and girlfriends, and love that he wanted. People would be crazy not to love Remus.

"You might not need more, but you deserve more," he said firmly. "You deserve everything, Moony."

Remus avoided his eyes, shifting his body away from Sirius' slightly. "If you say so," he muttered dismissively, and it hurt Sirius to hear that. "What about you, though? Looks like you had a pretty fun night as well."

Sirius touched his neck, remembering last night, and his bed, and Benjy's mouth. "Same as you," he said, intentionally vague. "Just some random girl, don't even know her name."

"Well then," Remus smiled, "looks like we're both playboys."

"Sure we are, Moony," Sirius grinned.

"How long until lessons?"

Sirius glanced at his watch. "Twenty minutes."

"We should wake the others up then." Remus stood up, groaning. "We have to stop having parties on a Sunday."

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