Chapter 5

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Sirius could not have been more glad to be at King's Cross. Since Andromeda had made her dramatic exit, life at Grimmauld Place had been extremely tense. Andy had been declared a blood traitor, and even worse, a traitor to the family. Mother had burnt her off the tapestry on Christmas Day, as everyone watched. They had all started clapping, as if just an hour ago, she hadn't been the daughter, niece and sister that they all loved.

She was no longer a Black. The thought of that terrified Sirius, he didn't know who he'd be if he wasn't a Black. He hoped she'd made the right decision, but he couldn't understand how one man would be worth leaving her whole family for.

She'd left Sirius as well. He didn't want to resent her, he wanted her to be happy, but she had been the one person in his family he felt truly understood him. But now she'd left, and he was alone. Left to deal with his family, who were apparently about to support a terrorist, and left to figure out how to make them proud and keep his friends at the same time. Andy had always been who he looked up to, who could give him all the answers. But apparently she didn't have the answer for everything, because she had had to leave.

Mother gazed down at him, as parents hugged their children goodbye for the term.

"Do the family proud, Sirius," she said sternly. "We've had enough embarrassment recently." Without another word, she disapparated. Well, if there was a silver lining to Andromeda abandoning the family to marry a muggleborn, it was that his being in Gryffindor was now only a minor scandal. He couldn't imagine he'd ever bring as much shame to the family as Andy had, at least.

He grabbed his trunk, heaving, and made his way to the train. He didn't make it far before he heard his name.

"Sirius! Oi, Sirius!"

He turned to see James waving him over. Next to him were two people who were obviously his parents. His mother was a very short Indian woman, with sleek back hair framing her face, unlike Mother's which was always tied into a tight, intricate bun. James' father was comically taller than his mother, with a full head of salt-and pepper hair, just as messy as his son's. The whole family were wearing muggle clothing, and James was calling his name while trying to escape his mother's arms, who was hugging him determinedly.

Sirius made his way over reluctantly. He didn't want to be impolite, but James' family looked very lovey-dovey, and it made him feel supremely uncomfortable. He knew Mother would deride them for having no decorum in public .

"Hey James," he said, "how was your break?"

"It was awesome! I got the new Nimbus, there's no way I don't make the team next year now!"

"I know that, you plonker. You wrote me as soon as you opened it!"

James punched him jokingly. "This is my mum and dad. Mum, Dad, this is my best friend, Sirius Black."

Sirius extended his hand. "Mr and Mrs Potter, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Mr Potter chuckled and shook his hand. "Well, aren't you a polite young man? Maybe you can teach our James some manners."


Sirius turned to Mrs Potter, and she didn't even pause before reaching out and hugging him. It felt weird.

"Sirius, it's so lovely to meet you," she said, pulling back. "James has told us so much about you. You can call me Euphemia, and this is Fleamont. I hear you and James are quite the troublemakers?"

Sirius didn't have an answer to this, but she didn't seem to mind. She just smiled warmly as James laughed.

"Okay, you've met him, can we go now? The train will leave without us at this rate!"

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