Chapter 47

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Sunday was Sirius' birthday, and the other three Marauders all yelled him awake, even though they had to get up significantly earlier than normal to do this. They were all looking down at him as he lay in bed, absurd smiles on their faces.

"Thanks, guys," he grinned.

"Fifteen, ay," James elbowed him, "how does it feel?"

"So much better than fourteen, you just couldn't understand."

James and Peter laughed, while Remus rolled his eyes, but he smiled at Sirius anyway.

"What do you want to do, mate?" James asked him, "it's your day, it's up to you."

Sirius shrugged. "Whatever, really. Hang out, spend some time with the girls, I don't mind."

"I have some booze," Remus said, smirking. "Well, for you, it's your birthday present, but we can drink that tonight if you want."

"How do you always have alcohol, Moony?" Sirius grinned.

"That's just how it is when your parents aren't posh wankers."

They had a fun day. They hung out in the Common Room, and Marlene, Lily, and Mary spent most of the day with them, which was nice. His gifts were all Gryffindor related: scarves, jumpers, posters, and Sirius couldn't be happier with any of them. Lots of other girls wished him a happy birthday as well, but he couldn't even pretend that he was interested in them anymore.

They went down to dinner as a group of seven, and James refused to let Sirius lift a finger, loading all the food onto his plate for him. Marlene had got him a huge, obnoxious birthday badge that they all forced him to wear, and everyone was laughing loudly.

"It's your birthday, Black?"

Sirius looked behind him to see Benjy there, smirking.

"Yeah," Sirius replied, smiling slyly. "Didn't you get me anything, Fenwick?"


"Well then," said Sirius, turning back around, "you'll have to make it up to me."

Marlene snorted into her pumpkin juice and started coughing. Sirius glared at her. He heard Benjy chuckle as he walked away, and a shiver of excitement ran through him.

"Didn't know you were friends with Fenwick," James said. "When did that happen?"

Sirius shrugged. "Dunno, we just chat sometimes. We're not that close."

"I just didn't know you two even knew each other."

"Jesus, James," Remus laughed, "don't get jealous, I'm sure Sirius still loves you the most."

Sirius looked over to the Slytherin table, where Regulus was staring at him. Reg didn't smile, but he did nod at Sirius. Sirius turned away.

"Yeah, Potter, you're my brother," he grinned. "And you're way better at Quidditch than Fenwick. Just don't tell him I said that."

After dinner, they all went back up to the Common Room. They almost invited the girls up to their dorm, but Remus remembered that they had a highly illegal potion brewing in there, and kicked James before he could get the offer out.

Instead, Remus brought down another bottle of vodka, with a bow stuck on it, presenting it to Sirius.

"Cheers, Moony," Sirius grinned, twisting the lid off and taking a swig, then passing it to Marlene.

"We can't drink too much," Lily said, "it's a Sunday night."

"Lighten up," Remus smirked, and Sirius realised he was probably the only person who could get away with saying that to her. They ended up all passing the bottle round, annoying everyone else in the Common Room who weren't drinking. Sirius didn't care. He was fifteen, a boy liked him, and he was with his favourite people in the world. He was happy.

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