chapter 90

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"I know you all learnt about boggarts years ago," the Defence professor said, "but I understand that, due to a lack of consistency in your teaching, none of you have ever actually faced one in the classroom. Dealing with a boggart is an incredibly useful skill to have, so when Mr Filch discovered one in the dungeons, I decided to let you all have a crack at it before we banish it."

This year, their Defence professor, Professor Ortiz, was a Mexican woman in her mid-forties, who had apparently spent the last two-decades studying various duelling and warfare tactics all over the world. She was the first teacher they had had in years anything close to competent, and as such had quickly become very popular with the students.

No one seemed very fond of her right now, though. The class took an audible gulp, staring at the ominous black briefcase that was rattling at the front of the classroom.

"Now, can anyone tell me how we defeat a boggart?"

Remus raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr Lupin?"

"You have to think of something funny, Professor," he said. "And then use the incantation riddikulus."

"Very good," she praised, "now, everyone form a queue, and we'll all face it one by one. Whatever is shown, just remember it isn't real. Don't let your fear get the best of you."

Sirius slunk quickly to the back of the classroom, hoping that time would run out before he had to go. He was sure Walburga was going to appear as soon as he stood in front of it, and whatever she would be doing, it definitely wouldn't be anything he wanted the rest of the class to see.

Remus joined him, hiding in the back of the room as well.

"What're you doing back here, Moony?" Sirius grunted. "You're normally eager for all this Defence stuff."

Remus grimaced. "Dunno exactly what it's gonna be. It'll be wolf-related though, can't let everyone see that."

"Shit," Sirius muttered, "you're right. Hopefully these pillocks all take their bloody time, and we don't have to go."

It was not a fun lesson. If there hadn't been a war on for the past four years, it might've been amusing to see everyone's worst fears, and what they came up with to counter them. But there was none of the ordinary stuff - no spiders, or ghouls, or heights. Countless students were faced with images of dead parents and siblings, Death Eaters, even Voldemort himself once or twice.

Thank Merlin they weren't sharing Defence with the Slytherins this year, Sirius thought dumbly, as one Hufflepuff stood over the body of what looked like his younger sister, the Dark Mark hovering above her.

Ortiz had to step in more than once, and take over for those who couldn't handle it. No one blamed them - all of the fears were too real to try and find any amusement in them.

When Peter stepped up, he saw himself, dead on the ground, his eyes grey and cloudy. He froze for a few seconds, and Sirius couldn't help from clutching the sleeve of Remus' robes in anticipation.

But Wormy steeled himself, the determined little bugger. "Riddikulus," he said, his voice higher-pitched than normal, but firm nonetheless, and suddenly the other three Marauders were there. Sirius blinked in surprise, looking at a copy of himself. They were all huddled around Wormtail, and at first, Sirius couldn't work out what was going on, until he caught a glimpse of the dead Pete's face. They were drawing on him, a moustache and James' glasses, and suddenly Pete wasn't dead anymore, he was sleeping, and woke up with a start.

Sirius snorted, and James cheered from the spot behind Pete. "Yes, Worms!" he shouted, and Pete grinned bashfully, slipping out of the way.

James took his place, and the image paused, flickering. The room got dark, and suddenly all they could hear were screams. Shrieking, piercing screams, of both men and women, and Sirius couldn't tell where they were coming from, but they were all screaming for help.

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