chapter 117

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The end of summer seemed to sneak up on Sirius, and before he knew it, they only had a week before they would all be boarding the Express and going back to Hogwarts. It had undoubtedly been the best summer of his life. Of course, that was a pretty low bar, but Sirius thought that even if it wasn't, this summer would still have won out.

Remus was currently in his bedroom, lying on his bed with Sirius and flicking through one of Sirius' Quidditch magazines absentmindedly, while James had gone out to have dinner with Lily. The two of them did that quite a bit - proper dates, with an arranged time and place, where they would go out and do something together. He and Remus were never like that. Partly because of who they were, Sirius figured, they couldn't go out on what were obviously dates, even if they wanted to.

But he wasn't sure he would, even if he had the option. He'd had enough of dressing up and fancy meals to last him a lifetime at Grimmauld Place. And Remus would hate that stuff too, he was sure. What Sirius loved most was what they were doing right now: no pressure, no expectations, just wasting time together.

"Evans is supposed to come round here, this weekend," Sirius said.

Remus snorted. "I know. She keeps stressing about it to me, she wants to make a good impression with James' parents."

"What's she stressed for? James loves her, they will too."

"I know they will," Remus smiled, "I keep telling her that. But she cares a lot, and this weekend is important to her, so she's going to overthink it a little."

"Well," Sirius shrugged, "I guess I get that. Still, she's Lily Evans. She's every parent's wet dream."

"Ha," Remus laughed. "That's probably true. Not yours though."

Sirius winked at him. "I think they'd still rather I take home Evans than you, Moony."

Remus grinned, pulling on a strand of Sirius' hair teasingly. "Yeah," he said, "but that only makes you want me more, right?"


Remus leaned forward, kissing him, and Sirius opened his mouth at once, deepening it and pulling Remus even closer.

"Then I don't care what your parents would say," Remus murmured against his lips.

"What... what about yours?" Sirius asked hesitantly.

Remus leant back a little to look Sirius in the eyes, frowning. "What about my parents?"

"Yeah," Sirius nodded, "what would they think of- of me?"

Remus' eyebrows furrowed. "I mean," he said slowly, "I dunno how happy they'd be that you were a guy, to be honest. I think... I think my mum might be okay with it, after a while."

"But what about me? Do you think they'd like me ?"

"Of course they would," Remus whispered. "Yeah, they'd probably be surprised that I'd fallen for some disgraced, aristocratic Londoner... but they'd love you. My mum's only met you a couple of times and she already thinks you're great."

Sirius smiled. "She does?"

"Mhm. She thinks you're hilarious."

"She reminds me of you. She's really nice."

Remus kissed him again, softly this time.

"How's your dad doing?" Sirius asked. "Is he over the whole registry thing yet?"

Remus sighed. "I think he's accepted it," he said. "He knows I'm not going to change my mind. But it's... tense, now. I think that's just going to be our relationship from now on. Tense."

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