chapter 88

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The first few days of school passed slowly, as all the Gryffindors adjusted to doing their NEWTs. The stories hadn't been exaggerated - Sirius was getting what felt like double the amount of homework he had been getting in Fifth Year, despite doing less subjects.

He was making a conscious effort to keep to himself this year, which he had never done before. But it was bad enough having most of the school gossiping about his summer, he didn't want people actually asking him about it, so he kept out of everyone's way, sticking to the Marauders like glue.

Unfortunately, the one person he wanted to avoid most was the one person who wouldn't let him. He had noticed Regulus watching him - in the Great Hall, in the corridors - but had always looked away, pretending he wasn't there. Denial, denial, denial. Sirius had become an expert in it over the years. But when he left the Common Room that morning, stepping out of the portrait, Regulus was standing there, waiting for him, no longer avoidable.

"Sirius-" Regulus started, and Sirius turned right back around, going back inside. Fuck that, he could avoid Reg forever if he wanted to.

"What is it?" James asked, as Remus and Peter looked at him in confusion.

"Reg is out there," Sirius growled.

James sighed. "Okay, we'll just wait here for a bit. He can't stay there forever."

"Bullshit," Remus said sharply, "why should Sirius be the one having to stay out of his way?"

"Well what do you expect me to do Moony?" Sirius asked impatiently.

"Go out there and face him," Remus said bluntly. "Let him say whatever he needs to say, and then tell him to fuck off."

Sirius stared at him. "I can't do that," he argued. "We haven't even spoken since- since I..."

"Of course you can. You already left, you already did the hard part. What do you want, to hide away for the next two years, or show him just how well you're doing now you aren't a Black anymore?"

Remus watched Sirius confidently, and Sirius took a deep breath, but then nodded.

"Yeah," he said," okay." He looked at James. "Come with me?"

James nodded at once, and both of them stepped back out the portrait. Regulus was still standing there, waiting.

"Go on," Sirius said tersely, James at his side. "Say your piece."

Regulus glanced at James uncomfortably, but seemed to realise Sirius wouldn't speak to him alone. "You've been burnt off the tapestry," he said coldly.

Sirius snorted. "I figured as much."

Reg paused, like he'd expected Sirius to have a bigger reaction. Sirius raised his eyebrows.

"I..." Regulus looked like he had forgotten his script for a moment. "You realise this means we aren't brothers anymore?"

"Stop kidding yourself Reg, we haven't been brothers in years. Now it's just official. You've chosen your side, and I've chosen mine."

Regulus' eyes widened in hurt, but he nodded stoically. "I hope it was worth it, leaving us," he said, turning away.

"Yeah, and enjoy being the Heir, you bastard!" Sirius yelled after him venomously. "Just like you always fucking wanted!"

Reg did not look back, turning the corner and disappearing from sight.

"You okay?" James asked worriedly.

"Fucking fantastic," Sirius sighed. "Merlin, I'm lucky I've got you lot, and that I managed to get out. Look at him, he's fucking brainwashed."

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