chapter 78

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Remus' birthday was on a Wednesday that year, and he was awoken by the other three Marauders screaming happy birthday at him. As they all went down to the Great Hall, all the girls wished him a happy birthday as well, leaving Remus smiling softly throughout the meal. Sirius was content just to stare at him like that, happy and laughing and looking so goddamn pretty.

He sat through his lessons impatiently, waiting for them to be over so the Marauders could go and have some proper fun, and celebrate Moony's birthday in style. They could sneak into Hogsmeade, he thought. Or bring the record player down into the Common Room, blast the music and get wasted. Who cared if it was a Wednesday, it was Remus' birthday.

But when the last lesson finally ended, Evans reached Remus before the Marauders could.

"Wanna go for a walk?" she asked him brightly. "Or go sit on the grounds? It's a nice day."

"Sure," Remus grinned, and turned to the boys. "I'll catch up with you lads later, yeah?"

"But-" Sirius didn't even get to finish his sentence before Evans was out of the door, Remus in tow. "What the hell was that?" he asked the other two. "We should be with him, not bloody Evans."

Peter just shrugged, and James laughed. "Calm down, Pads," he said, "they'll be back soon. Dear old Moony is just too popular."

Remus had been missing for hours when he finally came back. He and Lily walked through the portrait, and exchanged a few whispered words before Lily hugged him, and then went up to the girls' dorm.

Sirius stomped over. "You ditched us, Moony!" he complained. "On your birthday!"

"Sorry, Pads," Remus grinned, not looking sorry at all. "We had a lot to talk about. I'm all yours for the rest of the night, promise."

Sirius smirked, seeing a golden opportunity. "Are James and Peter included in that promise? Or are you all mine?"

He was expecting Remus to blush. He was expecting Remus' eyes to start darting all over the place. He was expecting Remus to laugh it off. Like Remus always did. But Remus did none of that. Remus held eye contact, and smirked right back at him.

"Which would you prefer?" he asked cheekily.

Then Sirius was the one who's eyes widened, and he started to laugh nervously, his face heating up. Then Remus - the bastard - bloody winked at him, before smugly walking right past him to go and sit with the rest of the Marauders.

Sirius was left standing there dumbly, wondering what the fuck had just happened. Remus Lupin was not suave, or teasing, and he never, ever, flirted back. Except... Except he just had. And it had made Sirius all light-headed and embarrassed, for Merlin's sake.

He walked over to the fireplace on shaky legs, taking a seat next to James. Remus was still grinning at him, a bloody infuriating grin, and Sirius could feel himself starting to blush all over again, and he had to look away. For fucks sake, what had he gotten himself into?

The next week was pure torture. Something had changed on Remus' birthday, and it had turned Sirius' world upside down. Now, Remus was the one making suggestive comments at him, and it left Sirius a mess every single time.

It was such torture, in fact, that Sirius was incredibly grateful when the full moon arrived. He could use a night of mindless running, without sly comments, heated looks and hidden meaning.

Unfortunately, not all went to plan. It was only the early hours of the morning, and the four of them were running through the forest, barking and bleating and squeaking in excitement, when Moony barrelled right into Prongs, knocking him over.

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