chapter 111

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Sirius woke up the next morning in his room at the Potter's. His room. It still felt weird to think this was his room, that this house was his home now, even after a year. A good weird though, perhaps, and not quite as weird as it used to feel. Maybe. There was some guilt mixed in there, that he was being such a burden on Euphemia and Monty, who were getting on in their years now, but an overwhelming amount of gratitude too, and a certain feeling of safety that had never been present at Grimmauld Place.

His first thought was Moony. Remus had been his last thought when he fell asleep, and was his first thought when he woke up. It had been the full moon last night, and he'd gone through it alone, locked in the basement in his house. Sirius wasn't sure how bad it could have gone.

It was early, but he knew that he wouldn't get back to sleep. He went downstairs in his pyjamas, which was something he could do now, that Walburga had never allowed.

He'd almost seen her yesterday, he remembered, and a shiver ran through him. The last time he'd been that near to her, she had tried to kill him. Without even meaning to, he gripped his wand tighter. Then he shook his head decisively, forcing himself to let go of it. He wasn't going to fall apart when he hadn't even caught a glimpse of her, that would just be ridiculous.

Euphemia was already in the kitchen when he came in, reading a copy of Witch Weekly over the table.

"Morning, dear," she smiled. "Coffee?"

"Yeah, thanks," Sirius said, "don't worry, I've got it."

She shook her head. "Sit yourself down," she said firmly, getting up and going over to the counter.

Sirius did as he was told, and let her make him a coffee.

"There you go," she said, placing the mug in front of him. "Monty should be getting up soon, but I doubt Jamie will be down for hours."

Sirius snorted. "No," he agreed, "probably not."

Euphemia sat down opposite him, closing her magazine. "So, what are your plans for the holidays? You're seventeen now, you can do whatever you want. I heard you're planning on taking some friends to a Quidditch game?"

"Yeah," Sirius said. "I want to try and see people a lot. I couldn't do that... you know. Before."

"Of course," she said sympathetically. "We'll make up for any lost memories, don't you worry."

Sirius looked at her gratefully. "That sounds amazing."

"It's your last summer, you and James have to make the most of it. Andromeda wrote to me as well, asking if she could borrow you next weekend. I said that would be fine, I thought you'd like to see her."

"I would, that'd be great. I want to go and see Remus today, as well."

"Already? You only said goodbye yesterday."

"I know."

Euphemia laughed. "Take the floo," she said, "I know that's what James has done before. Maybe you go this afternoon?"

"Alright. Thanks."

She reached out and squeezed his hand. "Nothing to thank me for," she said lightly.

Monty came down a couple of minutes later, and showed Sirius how to cook bacon. That meant Sirius could now boil, poach and scramble an egg, and fry bacon, all without using magic. Remus probably wouldn't be very impressed, but it was already way more than he could have done a year ago.

After eating, he went and hassled James to wake up, and they pissed about in the garden until a little after midday, and Sirius couldn't wait any longer.

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