chapter 127

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Thursday was Sirius' birthday. Eighteen wasn't a big deal to wizards, but he knew it was to muggles. It was Lily and Mary who made the biggest fuss, declaring him "officially" an adult, now. Eighteen didn't mean adulthood to him, but he was more than happy to bask in their attention.

"Hey," Remus whispered in his ear when lessons were over, "want to go on an adventure?"

"Of course," Sirius said immediately, grinning up at him. "Should I get Prongs and Wormy?"

Remus shook his head secretively. "Nope, this is going to be just for you and me."

"Oh," Sirius said, his eyes lighting up, "so it's that kind of adventure? What've you got in mind, Moony? Something really twisted? I mean, I'm up to try anything once."

Remus rolled his eyes. "Get your mind out of the gutter, you heathen. We're going into Hogsmeade."

Sirius gasped dramatically. "A date!" he exclaimed in Remus' ear, so they weren't overheard by people passing by. "Remus Lupin, are you taking me on a date?"

" No ," Remus said emphatically, flushing. "And we won't be going anywhere if you keep this act up."

Sirius laughed, but relented. "Okay, okay," he smiled, "let's go to Hogsmeade, and have a lovely, non-romantic, non-sexual hangout."

"Bloody better be non-sexual," Remus muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," Remus said quickly. "Just come on."

They walked up to the statue of the hump-backed witch, loitering next to it casually and opening it once the corridor was empty. Remus seemed nervous as they walked through the dark passage together, and Sirius frowned, reaching out for his hand.

"I was only teasing, you know," he said. "I know it's not a date. We'll just have fun, yeah? Relax."

Remus smiled at him tightly, and Sirius squeezed his hand, hoping it was comforting.

When they got to Honeydukes' cellar, Remus produced the Cloak from his bag, throwing it over both of them.

"Where are we going?" Sirius whispered.

"Hog's Head. Aberforth won't snitch."

Sirius nodded, and the two of them snuck through the half-empty streets together. When they got to the pub, Remus took the Cloak off, but stopped before going inside.

"Alright?" Sirius asked, slightly perturbed by the way Remus was acting.

Remus nodded, bouncing on his feet expectantly, a mix of nerves and excitement. "Happy birthday, Pads," he grinned.

Sirius tilted his head in confusion. "Uh... thanks?"

"Go inside."

Sirius smiled at Remus hesitantly, and opened the door.

He stood there in confusion. The pub was as quiet and dreary as it always was, with all of its usual, suspicious-looking patrons drinking quietly.

"Oi, Black!"

Sirius whipped his head round, and then he saw them, hidden away in the darkest corner of the room. Caradoc was waving at him from the booth, and Benjy was on his feet, standing up and arms open wide.

Sirius turned back to look at Remus. "Did you do this?" he asked in disbelief.

Remus only grinned proudly.

Sirius paused, then rushed over to Benjy eagerly, attacking him with a hug. "Fuck," he laughed, "you're really here."

"I am," Benjy laughed, holding him back tightly. "God, it's really good to see you, Sirius."

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