chapter 70

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That Sunday was Gryffindor's first Quidditch match of the year, and it was against Hufflepuff. Luckily, they won the game, which meant that there would be a party in the Gryffindor Common Room. Unluckily, the full was on Tuesday, which meant that Remus was already feeling tired and achy. He'd dragged himself out of bed to go and cheer on Sirius and James, but backed out of the party, choosing to get an early night in the dorm instead.

Sirius decided to enjoy one party where he wouldn't constantly be following Remus around, or staring at him from the other side of the room. He threw himself into the atmosphere, drinking firewhiskey like there was no tomorrow and dancing with Marlene in the middle of the room. Someone was playing The Kinks, and Peter had managed to sneak in Mia, and the two of them were whispering together in the corner of the room.

"Pete's sweating," Sirius chuckled in Marlene's ear.

She glanced over. "He's nervous, poor thing," she said, "I heard Mia actually likes him though, if he made a move then she'd be happy."

Sirius shook his head. "Nah, Pete can never make the first move. She'll be waiting a long time."

"Oi, Sirius!" James came bounding over to him and Marlene. "Have either of you seen Evans?"

They both shook their heads.

"Crap," James said, his face falling. "I was gonna try and dance with her! I've spent all week having Mary teach me muggle dance moves!"

Marlene snorted. "What dancing is that, Potter?"

"It's called the Hustle!" James said excitedly. He proceeded to give them a very out of tune demonstration, which involved him stepping backwards and forwards, pointing his fingers in diagonal directions and rolling his hands.

Sirius stared at him. "I think you're lucky Evans never had to see that, mate."

James glared back. "Just tell me if you see her, tosser."

An hour later, and Sirius was thoroughly pissed. The room was spinning, and Marlene had been dragged away by Mary because her Ravenclaw boyfriend had done something, or said something, or not said something. He wasn't really sure.

But now his drinking buddy had disappeared, and he felt the urge for a fag coming on. He'd left them in the dorm, so he stumbled up the stairs, hearing muffled voices when he reached the top.

" I dunno, Lily, he's just confu-"

Sirius burst into the room, to see Remus and Lily both sitting on Remus' bed. Both their heads snapped up to look at him instantly, and Remus shut his mouth guiltily.

"Moony!" Sirius grinned, swaying slightly on the spot. "I missed you! It's not a party without you, Moony!"

"Really?" Evans asked, smiling slyly, before Remus could reply. She was looking at him oddly, and the one sober part of his brain didn't like it.

"And what are you doing here, Evans?" he asked, wagging a finger at her. "This is the boys' dorm, you know. Bad Prefect!"

She rolled her eyes at his antics. "I'm just keeping Remus company, he wasn't feeling too good."

Sirius shook his head fiercely, hair flying everywhere. He went and flopped down next to Remus on his bed, so close that their arms were pressed together, and started trying to kick Lily off. "That's my job, Evans," he declared. The room was spinning again. "I look after Moony when he's sick."

"Do you really?" she smirked.

Sirius growled at her, actually growled, and that's where Remus intervened.

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