chapter 152

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Sirius' birthday fell on a Friday, and it was the first one he didn't spend with the Marauders since he was eleven. It was just unlucky timing - Moody had got James and Lily on patrols in Wimbourne, and Pete's mum was making him help their cousin move or something like that.

Still, Sirius didn't mind too much. He'd decided to have Benjy and Caradoc, Marlene and Dorcas round instead, and figured the six of them could easily have a fun night without having to worry about appearances or the like. Who knew about who got confusing otherwise, but he thought he and Marlene had had the right idea. Just get all the queer ones together and fuck everyone else.

"Who's coming tonight then?" Remus asked him that afternoon, as they unloaded shopping bags filled with bottles of booze.

"Benjy and Caradoc said they'd get here about eight," Sirius said. "Not sure about Marls and Dorcas."

"Bit of an odd mix," Remus commented.

"Eh," Sirius shrugged, "they don't all know each other, but I think they'll get along. Plus, this way, all the attention's on me, right?"

Remus snorted. "Very cunning of you."

"Mm, still got some Slytherin blood in me somewhere," Sirius grinned.

"Well, no one's completely one house," Remus said fairly. "I think you're a bit of a Hufflepuff, actually."

"You don't!" Sirius gasped. "Take that back!"

"I mean it," Remus said as he put all the beer in the fridge. "You've got loyalty, sense of justice, you do actually work hard when it's stuff you care about. That's all Hufflepuff-y."

Sirius stared at him, shaking his head. "This is so insulting," he muttered. "And on my birthday, of all days."

"Not a complete Hufflepuff," Remus continued, ignoring him. "Most Hufflepuffs are nicer than you. And you've got no patience at all."

"Yeah, thanks," Sirius said sarcastically. "Please, keep going, I'm loving this."

Remus laughed at him. "I'm just saying, I can't think of anyone who fits perfectly into one house and none of the others."

"Okay, Moony," Sirius said indulgently, "you're right, as always. But it doesn't really matter to us anymore, does it?"

"Says the one who won't have anything green in the house!" Remus exclaimed.

"Some lines just shouldn't be crossed."

"Mm, sure. I think purebloods just have a weird attachment to the house system."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Well, just don't tell Dorcas I was slagging off Hufflepuff, I want her to actually like me."

"Yeah, why did you invite her anyway?" Remus asked.

"She's dating Marlene."

" What?!"

Sirius glanced over, smirking. "This whole thing was Marls' idea, actually. We've called it a homos' night out."

"Marlene is a lesbian?"


"Since when?!"

Oops, he'd forgotten Moony didn't know about Marlene and Dorcas.

"I dunno, Moony, how long have I been gay?"

"I- ... well, wait, hang on, how long've you known?"

"That she was queer?" Sirius shrugged. "Since I knew about me, really. I told you she helped me with that stuff in Fourth Year, remember?"

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