chapter 161

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Sirius sat in the corner of the room, arms folded as he scanned his eyes over everyone else. They were at another one of the Order meetings, and everyone was there.

Someone in this room had killed Regulus, he was sure of it. He just didn't know who. Edgar Bones maybe, he'd been on a mission when Regulus went missing. Or Emmeline Vance, she had it in her. Or Dedalus Diggle, or Fletcher, or Florence, or-

It was no good. It could have been anyone.

"Black!" Moody barked, and Sirius was thrown out of his trance.

"Uh... what?"

Moody glared at him. "What happened in Leeds?"

"Oh. I think Delwindey is being Imperioed."

"You do? Why?"

Sirius shrugged. "He has the air for it."

"What does that mean?"

"It means he has the air for it. Duh."

Moody got visibly more frustrated, and the new recruits (four of the year belows from Hogwarts) shrank back warily. They all looked lost, wide-eyed, and innocent, and Sirius wasn't sure if he was supposed to pity them or be jealous of them.

"That's all you're basing this off?" Moody asked tersely. "This is serious shit, Black!"

Sirius held his head high and sneered. "You wanted my opinion, that's my opinion. If you don't want to listen to me then that's fine, but trust me, Magical Accidents is compromised."

"Potter," Moody growled, moving his attention away from Sirius, "what did you think?"

James shifted uncomfortably. "Uh... dunno really," he said. "He was acting a bit odd, but he could've just been stressed. I'm not sure."

"He's under the curse," Sirius said again. "You can see it in his eyes." He snorted darkly. "Whoever cast it is a novice as well, that's why I could tell. Probably Mulciber, he was spotted in Leeds last week, right?"

Moody stared at him suspiciously. Sirius didn't even care anymore.

"Fine," Moody grunted, "we'll assume Delwindey in Imperioed. Just pay attention, Black."

Sirius rolled his eyes, already tuning back out. He didn't hear another word of what was said until the meeting ended, and he stood up to leave, facing Remus.

"Lupin!" Moody called from across the room.

Remus glanced behind him, and then turned to look at Sirius apologetically.

"Go on," Sirius sighed. "I'll wait for you."

"Thanks." Remus hurried off, following Moody into another room, and Sirius reached into his pocket, taking out his pack of cigarettes.

"Hope you aren't planning on smoking that in here."

Sirius looked up. Benjy was standing in front of him, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

"And if I am?" Sirius asked, daring him to argue.

"Not in the house. Come on, I'll have one with you outside." Benjy grinned at him enticingly, so Sirius huffed and stood up, going out to the garden before lighting his fag, then offering one to Benjy.

"Cheers." Benjy lit his with a muggle lighter, rather than his wand. "So, I take it you aren't doing so great?"

The corner of Sirius' mouth twitched. "What was your first clue?"

"The attitude. You're normally such a happy-go-lucky, glass half full kinda guy."

"Oh, am I?"

Benjy dropped his casual front, meeting Sirius' gaze. "Look, I heard about Regulus, I'm sorry."

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