chapter 118

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"Oi, Padfoot, hurry up!"

Sirius rolled his eyes and stomped down the stairs, lugging his trunk with him. It was the first of September, 1977, and it was the first day of his last year at Hogwarts. Needless to say, that thought stirred up all manner of weird feelings, and he was trying not to pay too much attention to them. He felt so much older than his eleven year old self, but also, not that much older at all. Certainly not as old as Seventh Years had seemed to him at that age.

He remembered how he'd looked up to older students like the Prewett twins, or Frank Longbottom. They'd been fully grown adults to him when he was eleven - if it hadn't been for the uniforms, he could have mistaken them for teachers. Now he was that old, but it didn't feel old at all. He still felt like he was stumbling through his life, completely clueless.

"Ready?" James asked him.

"As I'll ever be," Sirius sighed.

"It's weird, innit?"

"Too fucking right."

James grinned at him. "Come on, we'll make the most of it. Let's go - I gotta talk to Evans about what the fuck we're supposed to tell the Prefects, and I'm assuming you wanna avoid your mum."

Sirius nodded. "Yeah, you're right. Just lemme say goodbye." He and James had both told Euphemia and Monty they didn't have to come to the station with them this year. It was a hassle for them, and an unnecessary one now he and James could apparate.

He went into the living room, where Euphemia and Monty were both sitting. "Well," he said bracingly, "me and James are off. So, you know, thanks for everything this summer, or whatever."

"You're so welcome, dear," Euphemia said with stinging sincerity, standing up to give him a hug. Sirius hugged her back tightly, leaning down to bury his face in the crook of her neck.

"Now," Euphemia said, taking a step back, "be good this year, okay? We want you to work hard on your NEWTs, and get the best results you can, and enjoy yourself. Make some memories."

"I will do," Sirius promised.

"Alright, kid," Monty said, clapping him on the back, "off you go. No point dithering around with us old folks. Write to us every week though, we want to hear from you. And remember, if you need anything, just ask."

Sirius chuckled and nodded, saying goodbye one more time before going back into the hallway where James was waiting.

"Ready?" James asked.

"Yup, let's go."

They both apparated to the station, which was still relatively empty. Evans was already hanging around though, and her face split into a huge smile when she saw them as she ran over to hug James.

"What am I, chopped frog liver?" Sirius grinned.

"Fuck off, Black," Evans said easily, but she reached up to hug him too.

"Good to see you, Evans."

Lily pulled back, turning to James. "We should go to the Prefects' compartment, we need to go over the rotas and stuff, and I want to be prepared."

"Ugh," James groaned, "so we gotta do boring shit, is what you're telling me."

"Essentially, yes," Evans said.

Sirius snorted. "Well, you two wankers have fun with that," he laughed. "I'm going to have a fag and wait for Moony and Wormtail."

James grumbled as Evans dragged him away, and Sirius dug out his pack of cigarettes, lighting one. More people were slowly trickling in, either through Kings Cross, or just by apparition, and he exhaled slowly, enjoying the mild September breeze.

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