chapter 110

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The end of the year came far too quickly, and before Sirius had even realised time was passing, it was the last week of school. It made him get rather sentimental; there was only one year left, after all. Next year they would be the Seventh Years, pulling all-nighters to study for NEWTs and trying to figure out what they wanted to do with their lives. Then it was off into the real world. He figured everyone must do a huge amount of growing up in Seventh Year, because he didn't feel anywhere near prepared to be leaving Hogwarts.

Still, a summer holiday didn't sound too bad right now. He had missed Euphemia and Monty, and was more than ready to shut all his textbooks and shove all his school stuff into his trunk, not to be looked at again until September.

And he planned to see Remus as much as possible. They'd both got their licences to apparate, along with everyone else, so it shouldn't be too difficult. Wales was quite far from the English countryside where James' family lived, but if he couldn't apparate that far in one go, then he could make multiple trips, or they could find somewhere to meet in the middle. Of course, it would make life a lot easier if they just told James that they were dating, but Sirius didn't want to broach that subject with Remus so soon after Marlene. He could wait a while longer.

Right now it was a Friday night, or technically, the early hours of Saturday morning. Everyone else had gone to bed ages ago, but Sirius had stayed in the Common Room with Remus. They were listening to Aladdin Sane, because that album just never got old, even after all these years, and Sirius was lounging across the whole sofa, resting his feet in Remus' lap.

"We go home next Friday," Sirius said.

"I know."

"That's the full."

"I know that as well, Padfoot."

Sirius rolled his eyes at Remus' sarcasm - so predictable. "Will you be okay to travel?"

"I'll have to be, won't I?"

"We can find an empty carriage, so you can sleep. But what about at the station? You normally apparate from there, don't you? I don't want you apparating if you're sick."

Remus stroked his foot. "I've done it before," he said calmly, "I'll be fine."

"You could get the Knight Bus, I suppose, but I dunno if that would be any better to be honest. It's not exactly soothing travel."

"I said I'll be fine," Remus smiled at him like he was overreacting and it was entertaining to watch. "Stop your worrying."

"Maybe you ask McGonagall if you can stay an extra night, figure out a way to get home on Saturday instead."



"Stop it. I'm coming home on Friday with everyone else, and I'll be just fine."

Sirius sighed. "Fine. But promise you'll tell me if you need anything?"

"Of course."

He knew that was the best he was going to get, so he left it alone. The Prettiest Star started playing, and Remus grinned, starting to sing along quietly.

"Cold fire, you've got everything but cold fire."

Sirius hummed along, closing his eyes. He felt Remus reach his hand out, and turned his palm over, linking them together.

"I think this song is about you," Remus said casually.

Sirius snorted softly. "Shut up, Moony, stop trying to romance me."

Remus ignored him, continuing to sing in a low voice. "One day, though it might as well be someday,

You and I will rise up all the way,

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