Commitment Issues

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Luke: When you're young and rebellious, there's no need to settle down. You don't need a boyfriend or a husband to try and calm you down from your wild streak when you weren't ready to be calm, so what was the point in getting close enough to someone for them to pop the question? In the current situation, with Luke sitting in front of you at the dinner table and you sitting on the other side of him with your plates half-empty; it was getting tense and you weren't anywhere near ready to answer the question that you knew was bound to be asked by him any time now. Luke had previously confessed his actual feelings towards you as soon as you'd entered the restaurant and you'd tried your hardest to avoid the upcoming subject, but now that Luke had you sat down at the table with him and you were half-way through your meal, there was nothing from stopping him from asking you. "(Y/N), you know how I feel about you. Isn't it time you told me how you feel about me?" You'd only hung out with the kid for about two weeks, going to bars here and there and maybe spending the night at his place because you were drunk from time to time - how could he take it that you liked him for anything more than a good time? Of course, the constant make out sessions and the teasing you did when you were tipsy probably helped with the misleading him, and it probably wasn't any better that you'd stripped nude in front of him because you 'felt comfortable enough around him', so he probably thought you were trying to get a little too close for comfort. You felt bad for leading him on this way; especially since Luke was such a nice guy and you were so in love with how sweet he was to you and how great he'd been over the past two weeks. "Luke," You start out slowly as you lean back against the leather seat you were sat in. "I can't bring myself to have...." You look over at him and see his face drop as he knows what you were preparing to say, but the words just kept coming out and you were forcing yourself to say what was needed to say. "I can't have those types of feelings towards you because I've never been in a real relationship, and we're both so young. What's the point of being in a relationship to be tied down and controlled, you know?" You retort towards him, but Luke just scoffs and shakes his head. "If you didn't like me that's all you had to say, (Y/N)." He spits out bitterly as he jumps up from his seat in front of you and hastily leaves the restaurant.

Ashton: "You sounded great tonight." You smile as Ashton walks back from on stage. He smirks at you and nods his head up at you in acknowledgement, walking next to you while wrapping an arm around your shoulder to bring you closer to his side. "Thanks, babe. We always do." He winks as you chuckle and pull yourself away from him, looking up at the sweaty mess that you'd found yourself being so attracted to over the past two months you'd been hanging out. No, you weren't officially dating yet and you were very curious (as were other people) as to why, but you decided not to question it or push it and you'd let Ashton make the move to make the two of you an official thing. Maybe waiting this long is what had you on edge every time Ashton got around another girl. That's probably why you hated seeing him talking and getting close to his fans after concerts like he was doing now; his arm wrapped around their shoulders and his lips leaving kisses on them whenever and wherever they asked. You were jealous to say the least, but you weren't ready to admit that to yourself or anyone else, seeing as in how Ashton's ego and opinion over how he had you in the palm of his hand were big enough for the both of you already. The fans were flirting, giggling and pushing his chest as if they knew him on a personal level. You wondered if they knew that the two of you'd had a fling going on for the past two months if they would still be that touchy and personal with him, but you decided to put the bitter thoughts and jealousy behind you so you could talk to Ashton when he came back over to you after they left. It was time to define your relationship, whether Ashton wanted to yet or not. You were tired of having people ask you if you were taken and having to answer them with an "It's complicated." Because truly, it wasn't complicated. Ashton could either tell you he wanted to be with you or he could break things off with you point blank. You took a deep breath as Ashton finally got to you, going to put his arm around your shoulders before you stepped away from him, eyeing him as best you could without giving him insight to what you were going to talk about. "What's the matter with you, (Y/N)?" He asks in a hushed tone, and that's when you take it upon yourself to take a deep breath and gush out all your feelings that you'd been dying to tell him since two months ago when you first started wanting to be more than just friends with Ashton. "I want us to talk about our relationship, Ashton. We can't keep toying along with each other like we have been, okay? I want you to tell me right now: are we friends or nothing?" You ask aloud, a new found confidence taking over as you crossed your arms over your chest. Ashton's eyes widened for a moment before his jaw flexed; he was deep in thought and he knew what he was about to say was going to ruin both your lives, but he just couldn't lie to the two of you if he were to say what you were hoping he would. "I thought we were having fun the way we were?" He asks softly, but you shake your head. "You've been having fun, I've been confused. What are we, Ashton?" You retort, causing him to sigh and let out a breath. "If we can't continue being the way that we are, then we're nothing."

Calum: It was weird to believe that you were now in a relationship. You'd been so independent and fine on your own for almost a full eighteen years, but that was before you met Calum the night of your eighteenth birthday in a bar. The two of you got drunk and ended up spending the night at your apartment, and oddly enough that ventured you two into a relationship. You felt weird when you thought about it, though. How could you, the party girl who loved booze and dick, be tied down to one dick until he decided to break up with you? You felt nervous and sick whenever you used the word boyfriend to describe Calum; it wasn't because he wasn't attractive and it wasn't because he wasn't good to you, but it was because you weren't ready to be tied down in a relationship to have to worry about someone else getting mad at you for having the fun that you were used to and for going out with the crowd that you like to go out with. That's why, in a very sad manner, you had to break things off with Calum before he grew too interested in you and would be more hurt then. You sucked in a deep breath and closed your eyes as you heard the door to your apartment open and Calum sauntered in, waving at you happily from the door as he placed his shoes next to the door and ventured further into the apartment to the living room where you sat on the couch. "Hi, (Y/N)! Did you miss me?" He joked as he sat beside you, distancing at least a hand-space between the both of you for comfort reasons. You chuckled fakely at his joke and nodded your head, looking down at the blank screen of your phone to avoid eye contact with Calum; you couldn't prepare yourself for what was about to happen if you had to look at him directly. "Can I tell you something, Calum?" You ask him seriously, wanting so badly to go ahead and get this over with so the guilt and nauseating feeling wasn't eating you alive anymore. "Sure." He retorts, rubbing his hands together nervously. Maybe he knew what you were about to say, and maybe he'd prepared himself for it before he came to your apartment so it wouldn't be so tough on the both of you like it was going to be. A small bit of hope rose inside of you as you turned your head and finally looked at him, shooting a quick smile for comfort to him. "See, when we started this relationship, I thought I was ready for it. Part of me was so ready to finally be committed to somebody, but..." You bite your lip and clench your eyes shut. "I'm not ready for it, Calum. I'm not ready to say that I have a boyfriend and I'm not ready to admit that I'm too wild to be tied down right now." You blurt out. He sits in silence for a few moments before he nods his head and stands up, not taking even a second glance at you as he exits your apartment, leaving you to sit by yourself to think about what you've just done and how your commitment issues have really fucked you up.

Michael: "You can't define something that doesn't exist." He mutters through gritted teeth as you sit on the edge of his bed while fixing your bra back onto your body. You scoff at him and shake your head, latching the hooks together. "What do you mean by that?" You ask him in a more hateful tone than intended, but Michael was being more than rude and it was really starting to hurt your feelings. He'd been the one to get this entire thing started, if he didn't want you to think that there was something stirring up between the two of you then he shouldn't have offered you to be his casual hook up every now and then when he was stressed or when he needed a release. Michael slips his boxers back on as he gets up out of bed, putting on a pair of shorts over his boxers before he passed by you. "I mean, we're not together, we're not friends with benefits. We're aquaintences who have sex at least three times a week. What is there to define about that?" He spits out bitterly, going to his bathroom. You rolled your eyes and laid back on his bed, not understanding why he was so intent on not defining a relationship with you. If he wasn't attracted to you, he could tell you. If he didn't want to hook up with you anymore, he definitely could've told you that so you wouldn't be setting yourself up for heartbreak whenever Michael did find himself a girlfriend who was better in bed than what you were... if that was possible. "So, you really don't want a relationship with me, Michael?" You ask him as he steps out of the bathroom fifteen minutes later with a towel hanging loosely off of his hips. Michael groans loudly and tilts his head back, gritting his teeth not to say anything rude that would hurt your feelings. How could he put it nicely so you didn't think he was a complete asshole like he was going to seem? "It's not that I don't want a relationship with you, (Y/N)... it's just that I-" You cut him off with a gasp as you sit up and hurriedly start grabbing your clothes to put on your body, not giving him another chance to speak. "What the hell are you doing?" Michael asks, and you shake your head after putting your skinny jeans back onto your legs. "You've got a girlfriend and she's not supposed to find out about me! Is that why you don't want a relationship wth me?" You ask him, and Michael laughs as he shakes his head. How could you be so silly? "No, that's not it at all! I've just got really bad commitment issues, and I'm not ready to try and overcome them with someone like you." He whispers, and you nod your head with a scoff. "Someone like me? Great, Michael. Real fucking great." You spit out as you make your way out of the apartment.

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