Eating You Out

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Michael: You already felt your legs trembling as Michael placed another kiss on your inner thigh. "Michael, I have to go to school," you laughed uneasily, actually wondering whether you wanted him to stop or not. "No. You have to stay there like a good girl and let me enjoy this," he groaned as he licked his fingers. You almost screamed as his cold hands touched your pussy. You clutched his hair, moving your fingers through it as Michael licked and played with your clit. "Fuck," you breathed. You felt Michael's smirk against your entrance, and you hit him in the head. "I only have 5 minutes. Get on with it." The last part came out as a partial gasp as Michael's tongue touched your slit. Michael's arms immediately pushed your hips down since he knew they had a mind of their own. You fought against it, trying to rock against his tongue. You opened your mouth to beg but Michael took a particularly long lick up from your slit to your clit and you moaned, squeezing your eyes shut as you came. Michael took a few more kitty licks before standing, his erection long and proud. Yep, you were definitely going to be late for school.

Luke: You planted one last kiss on Luke's head before crawling up his torso and chest. "Right there," he breathed as you moved yourself to straddle his face. You squealed when you felt his warm tongue on your slit, licking your juices up like ice cream. "Fuck, Luke..." You repeated with a few other profanities mixed in. "Mmm," he replied. You felt a hand leave your hip and looked behind you to see Luke's grasp his dick. He moved his hand up and down in time with his tongue entering you. The sight was too much, causing you to grasp his now messed up quiff. You began to rock against his tongue, craving your release. You felt Luke gasp as he came, covering his stomach and had in come. It send you over the edge and you tried to move away, only to have Luke grasp your thighs tighter, forcing you to stay as he continued to eat you out until you could barely stay upright on your own.

Calum: Those fucking plump lips, you silently cursed. Calum currently had you against a wall. You were completely naked and he still had his pants on. An arm on your lower back and another on your hip kept you in place as he licked from the back. He was actually fucking moaning as if he was eating the richest ice cream on earth. "I missed you so much," he breathed as he kissed your slit. Your eyes rolled back and you knew you were close. "I missed this pussy," he said a bit louder, ensuring you'd hear. You cried out in response, unable to form a real sentence. He traded off kissing you with those wet, full lips and licking you. Calum reached down and began to rub your clit, sending you over the edge. Your sight went white for a moment as Calum kissed your butt cheeks affectionately. You turned and kissed his cheek as he laughed at your dazed expression.

Ashton: You felt another slap come down on your already sore cheek as you nodded fervently. "Answer me, Y/N," Ashton asked patiently. "Use your words." You both were currently in your dining room, clothes strewn here and there. You were laying across the table, legs open just for Ashton. To be honest, you felt like a slut but with Ashton's eyes on you and a hand rubbing at your pussy, you could care less. "Yes, Ashton," you sighed. "I want you to eat me out." Ashton smirked as his head moved down to kiss your left thigh, then your right. His hand was still working against you, rendering you speechless. "You taste so fucking good," he groaned as he pushed his tongue passed your entrance, moving in a zig-zag motion. You grasped his curls tightly, pulling him closer and yet trying to push him away because his mouth was sinful, the pleasure becoming too much. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna come," you cried as Ashton slapped your clit repeatedly. He simply went faster, pushing his tongue further and rubbing you harder. You came without warning, your body twisting and Ashton had to hold your thighs to keep you from slamming his head between your thighs. He stood up straight and winked at you, licking a bit of your come that had escaped his mouth.

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